How to reduce stress in a student at the beginning of the school year
Miscellaneous / / August 14, 2023
Remember that any change should be gradual.
Early rises, new school subjects, an unusual load after a summer vacation - all this can drive a student into stress. He cannot avoid changes in the routine, but he can get used to them. We tell you what needs to be done for this.
1. Smoothly change the child's daily routine
There are children who wake up very early both during school and in the summer. But most of the guys on vacation get up much later than in September. So start getting used to operating mode worth it in advance. When exactly depends on the child. One needs 2-3 days, the other needs a couple of weeks.
The main step in this matter is to start waking up in the morning with an alarm. First, you should start it 10-15 minutes earlier than the usual rise time. And every day to shift a little, so that 1-2 days before the first training period, the student comes to the usual regime. For example, if a child in the summer wakes up 2 hours later than you need in the fall, then it will take 10 days to get used to getting up at the right time.
2. Prepare everything you need in advance
If you start shopping a couple of weeks before September 1st, it will be easier for the child to get used to the idea that school will begin soon. You can ask him to first make a list of everything he needs. This process will also set him up to think about the lessons.
Well, the search for a diary with the cover that the student likes, a beautiful and comfortable pencil case, bright rulers or unusual erasers can be treated in the same way as choosing gifts before the New Year. Try to keep the student in a pre-holiday mood: this will definitely help reduce stress.
3. Arrange his workplace together
Maybe the student will need a new chair or an extra shelf. And if you do not plan to change the furniture, think about the new design of the study corner. Do it with your child permutation. Add a new organizer for stationery, change cups for pencils and pens. Hang a new poster or cork board on the wall. In general, think about how to make the workplace more convenient.
You will definitely come up with something: improvements are always possible. And often they require minimal financial investment.
For example, you can paste over a pencil cup with pieces of self-adhesive film, coming up with an interesting abstract composition. Resharpen all pencils and put them in the transformed stand. By the way, it is better to buy a new sharpener for the school year: the blades of the old ones gradually become dull, and it becomes inconvenient to use them.
The same technique works here: it is worth preparing for the academic year as for a holiday. It changes the mood and it's very possible that instead of longing the child will have a joyful anticipation of something new and interesting.
By the way, really arranging a holiday on the first of September is also a great idea.
4. Do not scare your child with school difficulties
Some parents, before the start of the school year, grumble: “Yes, you forgot everything over the summer - how are you going to study?” Or: "That's it, I ran into it - now I have to remember about discipline." Or like this: "You are already an adult - it's time to become more serious and do only study, and not have fun." And the child forms an association: school is something dull and boring, where there is no place for joy. And so it remains to grieve suffer and count the days until the next vacation.
Instead of notations and moralizing, it is better to think about what will be good in the new academic year.
And to begin with, remember what was wonderful in the past. Discuss this with your child. Draw his attention to the fact that every year something good and important happens, which he could not even think about in September.
There are always such pleasant surprises. For example, the arrival of a new friend. Or an unexpected passion for some hobby. Or a situation that showed: the child has matured, become more self-confident and learned to defend his point of view.
Recall pleasant events with your son or daughter. And then talk about the next school year. Discuss which new items will appear and what might be interesting in them, what new hobby you can do. And think about new plans and goals, both academic and non-study.
5. Help the student plan school days
The school schedule helps to organize classes in the classroom. But at home, the student may encounter chaos. He does not yet know which homework will take longer, which subjects will immediately arouse interest, and which will seem boring or too difficult. In addition, the schedule of circles and sections will be added, which will also need to get used to.
Therefore, for the first two weeks, it is worth helping the child plan both homework and extra classes or sections.
And also - to add obligatory time for rest to the daily routine.
Let the student tell which subjects they like and seem easy, which ones turned out to be unexpectedly difficult. Or maybe there will be lessons that the child does not want to go to at all, and doing homework in these subjects is also unpleasant. It is worth knowing what exactly causes rejection.
Perhaps the child is not used to the new teacher yet. Or the first lessons seemed incomprehensible to him. It is worth dealing with each complex or boring subject and trying to make learning, if not easier, then more interesting. For example, search the Internet for drawings that will help you understand a geometric problem. Or find interesting podcasts about geographical discoveries.
All this takes time. Therefore, adults should help the child plan the day so that he has time to devote time to each subject, and in addition, he can go to training or do his favorite thing. But don't sit down hometasks as soon as the child comes home from school. After class, he needs to rest.
Try to make a schedule that takes into account all the important details for the child. Perhaps a table that you hang on the wall will help him. Or a diary. Or just a file in Google Docs. The schedule can and should be adjusted until it becomes convenient. And at the end of the week, together with your daughter or son, see what went well and what things take more time.
6. Introduce new activities gradually
It’s not worth it to start studying in all the planned circles and sections at once in the first week, to lean on studies and still participate in some competitions. It is better to add the load gradually.
Nothing terrible will happen if in the first week the student cannot do every homework perfectly. Let him handwriting will not be too even, and when writing the answer to the problem, it will retreat not two cells from the fields, but three. Or even solve the problem, and forget to write down the answer. Do not scold the child for such mistakes: over time, he will get used to the new load and become more attentive.
Well, at the beginning of the year it is better to support him, and not to criticize for every blot.
Perhaps in the first week or two it is worth not starting classes in a new circle. And do not plan a trip to the pool or to the first lesson in a dance studio if the child has not been there before. Too much new information is a strong stress factor.
It is better to add one new lesson per week. Perhaps, at the 3-4th week, you and your child will understand that the load is already enough. And one of the planned circles should be abandoned - at least this year.
7. Pay attention to your child's health
This item also includes proper nutrition - it should be varied. And walking in the fresh air is great if the child spends at least an hour a day outside. According to WHO standards, school-age children need give at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. And it should be aerobic exercise - that is, active movement.
All these habits should be introduced in advance. If you do this in early September, then even the most beneficial changes will cause a lot of stress.
In addition, before the new school year, you should go to the doctor and check whether everything is in order with your child's health. You can schedule a visit to pediatricianand he will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations. It may be worth going to the optometrist to check your eyesight and find out if any preventive measures are needed before school. Or maybe it would be better for the student to move to another desk - closer to the blackboard or just in the center of the class.
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