Is it possible to walk on the back with your feet
Miscellaneous / / August 06, 2023
There are less dangerous ways to stretch your muscles.
Back walking is a popular home massage technique. As a rule, it is used if they do not know how to stretch stiff and tense muscles with their hands or their strength is not enough for this.
Even a child can be asked to walk on the back, and he will most likely agree, although the effect of such an intervention will be doubtful. However, as well as from the participation of an adult.
Is it possible to walk on the back with your feet
This type of massage really exists. He called ashiatsu is considered an ancient practice that originated somewhere in the East.
During the session, the specialist uses oil to ensure a good glide over the skin, and then performs a massage, holding on to special crossbars or tapes attached to the ceiling.
Thus, something like a massage with hands is obtained, but with a deeper effect. At the same time, due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe foot, the procedure is quite gentle and painless.
Sergey Karpov
Soft, smooth walking with the correct placement of the foot in the right place gives a good relaxing effect. But it must be done safely and with an understanding of the essence of the process.
At the same time, if you just walk on the back with your feet, it can hardly be called a massage.
Should You Try Back Walking as a Massage?
First of all, at home there are no convenient devices to hold on to during the process. And the use of oil or cream in this case becomes dangerous: the massage therapist can fly off his back at any time and get injured.
In addition, any massage involves preliminary warming movements, while home-made back walks often do not provide them. A solid weight immediately falls on a person, and the “masseur” steps anywhere, trying to stay on an unstable support.
Sergey Karpov
If a person has a degenerative tissue lesion, then with the wrong vector of pressure and excessive effort, an already damaged place can be injured, which will lead to complications. If a person is healthy, then damage can be obtained due to a very large weight, rough, sharp pressure in the wrong area.
In one scientific work checked cases of complications after massage and found out that a strong effect can end herniated disc, injury of soft tissues and nerves, the appearance of a hematoma. So it is better not to risk your health and contact a professional.
If you want to relax your muscles at home, there are two options.
- Ask loved ones to massage you with their hands. Such an impact will be much softer, and there will be no risk of injury from an inadvertently slipping leg. look instruction massage is not so difficult and very pleasant.
- Use a massage roller. This device is inexpensive and excellent. relieves stress in the muscles. There are smooth options and models with spikes and a groove in the middle, which is very convenient for warming up the back: the spinal column does not touch the roller, and the spikes along the edges perfectly stretch the back extensors.
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