Senior Vice President of Apple design, Jony Ive, perhaps the most famous and most mysterious of the planet designer. Modest and almost imperceptible, the man brought the highest standards of style, beauty and simplicity in the lives of millions of people around the world. Linder Kani I told Journal Co. Design, that can achieve similar success almost every talented designer. But what does it take?
According to Linder Kani, author Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products, Ive not so different from many other designers. "The world has a lot of potential Johnny Quince," he says, "But none of them did not get such opportunities for creativity, as he is, and none of them got such a protector as Steve Jobs." Apple's success proves that many designers can reach the heights of Johnny Quince, if the company will have them adequate support. Companies, in turn, may become the new Apple.
What is it that it means to be a designer at Apple? "Jobs Apple designers - the best job on earth" - says Kani, because he spent more than a dozen interviews with colleagues Quince to write the book - the most exhaustive biography of a secret genius design. "The Apple is subject to the design studio. They are called "the ideas of the team" and nobody has the right to refuse them. Jony Ive is not a leader because leadership qualities, and because the team considers him the most talented "
Work at Apple design studio - it almost be a rock star. 17 designers under the direction of Quince - people from completely different industries. Someone previously worked machines, someone - a shoe, or even diving suit! All of them were personally selected the Ive. The work involves absolute freedom and is rewarded with a huge salary and, of course, the generous discounts on Apple products (up to 100%, which is predictable). Designers come to work late, almost do not work on the weekends and have a lot of free time, including frequent flights throughout the team in British Columbia, where designers snowboarding in mountains.
However, it was not always. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, designers, including Quince, do not actually have the right to vote. They are managed by a team of engineers and marketers, who prepared lists they think necessary in the future, the device details and gave their designers, so that they... put it bluntly, stuffed them into the product. "It was probably the worst operating procedure" - Kani says, "Apple's created a mediocre products, which is engaged in the design completely wrong people"
Jobs became Quince "employer of dreams." "When Jobs and Ive together began work on their first joint product of the iMac, Ive wanted to place the USB-port on the other side, where they would be easier to use. Engineers argued that everything has been done since made changes and will take a very long time. Jobs took the side of Quince and said that all the Apple Quince to embody ideas in life, regardless of the fact that this would require. Usually stored in Apple and to this day, even after the death of Steve Jobs, Cupertino design - it's the law "
"Take a look at Samsung - it is clear that there is the designers did not have the power," says Kani: "This is a classic example of a company run by engineers and marketers. Consider, for example, on the Galaxy Gear. List functions so huge, but I do not understand "Why do I need this thing?". The designers at Apple always start with the answer to this question "
Like most designers, Ive devoted to his craft and is obsessed with the ideas of simplicity and convenience. But what really sets it apart from thousands of other designers, it is the fact that he was seen, and endued with power.
"Steve Jobs was a genius," says Kani: "But he did not know how to program, and was not an engineer, not actually engaged in design. His secret was that he gathered a small team of talented people and give them maximum freedom and privileges, thus helping them to open up and create something brilliant "
No other Apple department does not show it as the one led by Johnny Ive. Design - is the heart of Apple, its driving force. That designers are responsible for the fact that the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad possess inexplicable power of attraction. The designers at Apple have revolutionized the market and technology have made his company so successful. The lesson that gives us Kani book, is that companies that achieve the dream of the heights of Apple should pay attention to whether the modest designer who often sits in the corner and was silent, and... give him the freedom and power. The only way to create a "New Jony Ive"
One can not but agree with the Kani in that ideal environment for disclosing talents and productive activity is the promotion of freedom and creativity. But do you agree that... Quince just lucky with the authorities, to be exact - with Steve Jobs, and in its place could be someone else? It is a very controversial statement.