If you want to earn extra income in their spare time or you need a source of income while you are looking for a permanent job, YouDo will suit you.
become a performer YouDo are citizens of Russia and Belarus over 18 years old, living in any of the Russian cities. At the same time, to perform local tasks (that is, orders that require physical presence) at the moment can only be residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. All other available virtual reference (to translate a text, find information, write a term, etc.).
Step one. To become a performer, you must first send a request to a special address: [email protected]. Be sure to include in the letter your name, first name, middle name, city where you live, as well as a contact telephone number. In response to your request, you will receive instructions from any further actions.
Daily verification department YouDo receives dozens of applications, each of which is processed manually. So the answer from YouDo It does not come immediately, but within two business days. If you have not received a letter from the representatives of the service, duplicate application.
Step Two. Once your application has been processed, you will be interviewed. If you do not live in Moscow, you will need to record a short video with the answers to a few simple questions. Moscow residents can come to the office YouDo and communicate with the staff service personally. By the way, if you are going for an interview at our office, print and fill out the form in advance. This will save you time. Sign on YouDo and fill out your profile better than before the interview so that you can immediately tell the login service employees. Notice in the title aliases profiles are not allowed, as the top photo your page is best to use an image, which can be clearly seen your face. Customers trust more real people.
Step Three. Within two business days you will be informed whether you have managed to pass the test. In the case of a positive decision on your profile at YouDo a green checkmark. And you will be able to begin the job.
Now a team of performers YouDo more than two thousand users. Status proven performer get four out of ten people who are interviewed. One third of our artists - students. They either have not found a permanent job on a future profession, or do not want full-time distracted from their studies. Another third of the performers - people over 25 years, for which YouDo It is a source of additional income. For example, their primary job schedule involves free or they have time to perform tasks at the output. The remaining third of the performers - people 40-50 years old who have special skills. For example, most members of this group works in the categories of "Repair and installation of home appliances", "Small household repairs."
Monthly income of active performers is 30-40 thousand rubles for the employment of 5-6 hours a day.