10 tips for using Google Reader
Tips Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Almost all of these tips are likely for you will not be news, but the repetition - the mother of learning, and it seemed to me that the proposed Dumb Little Man tips - concentrate, something like cribs, reminiscent of what else you can do good with Google Reader.
I agree that the most important thing, perhaps, for me, Reader advantage is the ability to do almost everything with the keyboard. But memorize classical «j», «k» and «v» it is necessary necessarily. But also rest - gorgeous.
Also, I really like tags, they help organize information exactly as you need, serving as an excellent complement folders.
Using the display list of articles helps me to quickly weed out what I do not read at all and postpone what I want to read later. Ie fits in GTD.
I find great and Council to create a special folder for feeds with the highest priority. It will allow to save time and to separate what can be read in moments of relaxation.
Using the star mark to create a list to read later is not so clear, especially after the appearance of ReadItLater supporting ReaderBut the way is not so bad.
As you know, we can integrate Reader, the popular Remember-The-Milk. I myself do not use the latest, but the idea is certainly excellent.
How to do without Better GReader - really useful addition to allowing without leaving the comfort libimoy-reader not just to see the material in all its glory, but to leave comments.
This is Google guys: search. Do not forget to use the option in the drop-down search for best results.
Use other people's priorities and efforts, so AideRSS help arrange the ranks, and this we wrote.
To complement the already scheduled me slightly Reader Use strategy GTD style is necessary to remind you of the need for regular review of your activities in Trends. Find out what really interests you and what exactly you need to unsubscribe, do not hold stuff, just in case.