Leo Babauta: The most difficult task
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
I have tried many types of training, but the combination of the results on the elapsed time has not found anything better than exercises with a barbell.
10-15 minute sessions over the bar significantly improve the physique and health, increase strength and muscle volume, burn fat.
I spent hours running around, doing exercises with its own weight, doing CrossFit and playing sports, biked and swam - in short, doing everything they can. All these studies are useful, however, if we compare the time spent on the more good I got to work with free weights.
I also found that "the rod method" - work with heavy weights for a short time, is applicable to many other things. Personal productivity, work on relationships, finances, weight loss and business development - the heaviest yields better results.
Leo Babauta
Leo Babauta - known blogger and author, writing on the theme of minimalism, a healthy way of life and happiness research. His blog - Zenhabits included in the top 25 blogs on the version of Time.
I turn to productivity / Finance / relationship, in a moment, but first sessions with the rod. I make a very simple lifting barbell, several repetitions, several approaches (3 sets of 4-7 reps). Make sure you are in good shape, otherwise you may be injured. Start with light weights to get in shape and increase your activity every week. Basic exercises - this is the deadlift and squat (the most important), bench press and barbell standing, lying down, thrust in the slope. Add a bit of pull-ups at the end of the workout. Give yourself a couple of days to recover. And, yes, women, too, can be engaged with the rod. And a runner too. And vegans can work with large weights.
People find excuses to not do heavy weights, because it is difficult. But it gives the best result for your time.
My experience is that in other areas, many tend to avoid challenges, and these challenges give the best result and the best efficiency.
Here are a few examples:
1. Productivity
Even if you have a long to-do list for the day, you can search for information on the Internet, check e-mail, perform simple tasks, take part in the meetings - so many do.
At the same time, your list may be three really heavy tasks that you avoid. And, most likely, these issues - the most important in your list. And if you got together and set aside everything else, focusing on the first one and then the next and so on - then you would definitely feel the difference. You deleted fewer items from your list, but you have become an order of magnitude more efficient. Heavy tasks that you do not want to perform - usually the most important.
2. The fight against obesity
To lose weight, people make a lot of nonsense. A whole bunch of diets, strange exercises, special supplements and salads, ellepticheskih simulators, lessons of fighting dance and counting calories. Of course, if you can stick to one of these methods - it is likely to work. But really only a couple of important things, chief among them - the food with a low amount of calories. And the easiest way to follow this - as far as possible to eat right. Low-fat protein food (I eat pace, seitan, tofu), Vegetables, not containing starch, a small amount of whole grains.
Organize yourself three meals of protein and vegetables, resist the snacks and high-calorie drinks (latte) - and is likely to start losing weight. Add to this the power of exercise, so as not to lose muscle mass. It's very simple, but people do not do that, because to follow a healthy diet with a deficit of calories - hard. It means to refrain from snacking, binge-eating episodes, eating at corporate events and other sweet and fried food, which pleasantly pampered.
This means that it is necessary to find other ways to please yourself, instead of absorption of food and beverages. It's tough, but it works.
3. Relationship
Relationship - not an easy thing, because despite the fact that it is very nice to talk to people when everything is going well, everything is completely different when a conflict happens. It is important to someone a while, but when it comes to a strong relationship, it is important not to avoid difficult conversations. It is difficult, so people do not like complicated conversations, and try to put them back. That, as a rule, only complicates everything. Make the hard thing, spend a hard conversation, find their relationship. Of course, it is important not to defeat or stay right, but to find a solution that would fit the two of you.
4. Business development
There are lots of things that you do to grow your business or career, but as a rule, there is some really heavy things that will bring maximum benefit. For me - it is writing useful articles that help people change their lives. For business my fourteen year old daughter who has been baking - is honing to perfection of their recipes. It is hard work - so we tend to avoid it. We deal with all sorts of little things, believing that it also helps our business. However, we'd better spend your time on the heavy task.
5. Finance
How to improve your financial situation? Spend less, earn more and invest. Time to pay the bills and fees, in order to avoid penalties and extra interest. Automate their payments. These are important things, and it is often not easy. So people set them aside. But if you spend an hour to figure out how you can spend less (reduce shopping or entertainment) - this can help you considerably. If you spend 20 minutes and set up automatic transfers to a savings account or mutual fund - it is also able to improve your finances. If you spend 30 minutes on the payment and invoice automation - this will save you a lot of problems in the future.
6. awareness
Many people want to live a more conscious life. And I support them because of awareness development - one of my best endeavors. But these people do not like meditation. Although a brief meditation for the day (10-20 minutes longer works) - a sure way to improve your awareness.
Now let's imagine that you are logged into your day with his limited time, and stopped to fill it with all these easy tasks.
Imagine that you are focused on serious, efficient things. Imagine that you have spent on meditation for 10 minutes, then an hour spent on the heavy task to improve your business or career. Another 20 minutes - on the difficult conversation, and another 20 minutes - to improve their financial affairs. 30 minutes - exercises with a barbell. And another 30 - to prepare a proper meal for the day.
It turns out less than 3 hours, but you have already improved your productivity, your business, your finances, relationships, health and existence.
You still have plenty of time to do other things, but focus on the heavy task - and the award will not take long.
A few tips for those who take up the difficult task
Nobody likes to do heavy stuff because it's hard.
What to do?
Here are a few tricks that help me
1. Find out what you need to do heavy. This will require some perseverance and reflection, instead of procrastination and hang on the Internet. But it is necessary. After some time to reflect will have less, since you and so will know their heavy task.
2. Take the time to schedule the heavy task. This can be writing articles or training, or paying bills. One task, not all at once. Highlight on it 10, 20 or 30 minutes.
3. Clear the space to work. Save open tabs, fill in the list of tasks that need to perform later. Close the browser, all the windows, turn off all reminders - just you and the task.
4. Do not allow yourself to escape. Your mind wants to get away from the drudgery of work, as each of us lives with the belief that life - simple, easy and pleasant thing. Far from it, because they are constantly focusing on simple tasks, we make your life difficult and heavy. Focus on the heavy task, realize their desire to run away, and do not run away.
5. Enjoy. Lift heavy barbell is very difficult. And I love it. I feel strong unreal, like I am doing something truly great, as if I had to conquer the whole world. Something like this can be felt while your heavy task. Instead of thinking that you got such an unpleasant thing, you may be surprised to its ability to move such a weight. And be grateful for this opportunity her.