The last time the good comrades reminded of the existence of the Taiwanese company PQI, whose products I bypassed. MEND. True, much of the most interesting "trinkets" that PQI releases in retail I have never met. A pity, good look at what is.
Take for example the model Intelligent Drive i818 with a rotary wet-Dust exposure device. In recent years, honestly hard to believe, exactly like in the reliability of the ring-mount (I bet, that a couple of weeks it will break), but the original can not be denied, and for the contacts at the very least reserved.
i810 opposite configured as a decoration with a retractable pin. The reliability again have doubts mount, but if use it as a stylish accessory for your mobile phone, and Do not store in a bag with conversion adapters, switches, and other man-made debris, the "flash card" certainly fulfills its .
And here is another interesting design, i828. "Stick" are set, and individual instances of dock in the likeness of a Swiss knife, what is the main "trick". That is, in order not to throw away their old drives can be docked to the already existing, such as the increasing capacity of bundles. The idea is excellent, however, slim format is not to everybody's taste, and breaking ultra thin stick is very simple, as I have already said.
A representative of a different class, card drive. "Chip" is that the drive size and shape of a credit card and therefore fits easily in a purse (about the thickness is usually silent). Well, the accessories appropriate format now generally popular (sets swiss card, reklamki z-card, cards, knives, etc.), so why not? Do I personally still prefer not to carry the extra plastic, just putting in a slim «flash drive" purse.
Another toy with the original design, i161. Here the contacts and the drive itself removed vpoluprozrachny housing, serving at the same time and the cap. Lose it in such a fixture is not easy, and the simplicity of the design should have a positive impact on its quality. No wonder the manufacturer promises a lifetime warranty.
It's almost a classic. i221, model with a non-trivial shapes and colors, which was able to maintain a full USB connector, cap and all the associated advantages and disadvantages.
Everything? Not really. in the arsenal of the company has a lot of interesting models, however, is not so interesting and original as those described above.
In this brief overview of your considered complete. At least for today :)