Why you should start a decision diary and how to fill it out correctly
Miscellaneous / / June 24, 2023
What is the feature of the decision diary
In it, you fix only your important decisions and feelings from them. It can be kept in a paper notebook, in a file on a computer, or in another convenient way.
Here's what you should write down in it anyway when you make your next decision:
- the essence and date of its adoption;
- main details: why it is important for you, cons or pitfalls;
- what result do you expect to get (you can also specify the best and worst scenarios);
- your emotions.
What does the decision diary give
Unlike a decision matrix or a list of pros and cons, a diary will not help you make a choice. It is needed for a different purpose: understanding and improving your very approach to solutions. By recording and regularly evaluating them, you will better understand your thinking, as well as notice what you usually tend to by default and in what ways. traps most often you get.
For example, you will see that during times of stress or with a tough deadline, you act irrationally. By knowing how you react, you will be able to “lay the straw” in similar situations in the future.
Keeping such a diary will also help fight a cognitive distortion called "hindsight error». It consists in the following: what has already happened always seems obvious and predictable to us. We even begin to believe that we thought so from the very beginning, which means that we can also foresee the events in the future. This leads to unreasonable self-righteousness and various misconceptions.
Understanding exactly where you made a mistake and why is very important. This information will help you correct your mistakes and make better decisions. And the diary is just the perfect assistant for this.
How to get the most out of it
Record only important decisions
Keeping a diary It should not be a burden or another item on the to-do list that needs to be ticked next to the evening. It makes no sense to write down thoughts about what to eat for lunch or what movie to watch with friends. Leave a diary for big decisions with serious consequences that require reflection and evaluation (for example, changing jobs, making a big purchase, choosing a specialty).
Write simply
Remember that you have to reread old entries and analyze your choices. And it will be more convenient if the notes are written concisely. Use short sentences, simple language, and clear descriptions of your expectations and emotions. So then it is easier to extract useful information from the diary.
Apply template
This will make the process easier and also help you focus on what matters most. Here are the main points:
- solution;
- when accepted;
- Why;
- minuses;
- Expected Result;
- sensations and emotions.
For example, you decided move to another city and want to record it in your diary. Here's what the entry might look like:
- Solution: move to St. Petersburg.
- When accepted: 12.12.2022.
- Why: offered a good job.
- Minuses: moving stress; I will be away from my family.
- Expected Result: I will advance in my career and increase my income; This will enable you to start your own business.
- How do I feel: calm, happy.
You can add to this template with items that seem important to you. But try not to make it too long, otherwise you risk getting into lengthy discussions. If you want to describe all the doubts and feelings associated with the decision, do it in a regular diary, and leave only the main points here.
Review posts regularly
It is usually difficult for oneself to express constructive criticism. The diary will take on the role of an objective observer, on whom you can rely, and will provide an opportunity to look at the decisions made from the outside.
Try to review your posts regularly, at least once a quarter. Set aside half an hour or an hour for this and answer the following questions:
- Are there mistakes that I repeat over and over again?
- Is there a type of decision that causes me more anxiety than others?
- What decisions do I usually have confidence in?
In the process, you will notice your delusions, strengths, and areas where you need to grow. And the more often you write down and analyze decisions, the better the process of making them will be given.
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- 7 models for making informed decisions
- 5 great personal diary apps
- How journaling can change your life