Marco Arment - one of the most well-known Internet entrepreneurs, create a service Instapaper. In addition, Arment is my personal blog, which often writes his interesting notes. We have already translated his article on our site, and today we offer you a translation of another post - Fertile Ground, Which focuses on new iOS 7.
Marco expressed in it its own special point of view and predicted the near future for iOS-developers and users. Why, according to Marco, we are entering a period full of great opportunities and how application developers to keep pace with the times - read about it in our translation. We wish you a pleasant reading!
One of my favorite components in our industry is when old and has become firmly on his feet washed under pressure of something entirely new. It's like a forest fire, and should not be taken too lightly like. But what remains after it, offers great opportunities.
I do not think we have ever had even the chance to go en masse to something completely new. Once I saw iOS 7 yesterday, I think that we will get a chance this autumn.
App Store is full: almost every group of applications has at least one or two dominant players, which control this niche. They manage to maintain their position, because they are developing, together with iOS: when the new will be added API, or change the icon, such developers will be able to simply adapt their applications in accordance with the them. Players who stand firmly on his feet, can continue to maintain their position.
iOS 7 has changed radically. And it's not only a new design that sets a completely new interface standards. Applications with the current design will be able to work without problems and on iOS 7, but they will look archaic. Developers such appov take a fairly strict stance, which is as follows:
- Most of them can not afford to give up iOS 6 support. (Lots of all applications still need to support iOS 5 or even 4.3). Therefore, they need to develop applications that will be compatible with both iOS 7 and with older iOS versions. It will be quite difficult.
- Most of the developers will not master the creation of two separate interfaces for iOS 7 and older iOS. (In any case, it's a terrible idea).
- Those who create projects that do not fit well into the iOS 7 design, it is necessary to radically change their jobs or delete them. And it will cause resistance from customers and developers themselves.
I believe that most developers are not ready for such changes and for them soon fell on hard times adapting programs for iOS 7. Even if they are able to solve the technical issues, Appa does not automatically become a better look and feel.
And this excellent news.
Apple iOS has subjected a strong shake. Everything was in motion. Players who do not want to lose their profits, in the fall to face the requirements of the many millions of iOS-users to adapt the applications for the new platform. If you want to work with the application category that is full on iOS 6, and you're one of the few who originally focused on developing for iOS 7, your application will look better, faster, and support will cost you less money.
Such opportunities for developers appear not often - every 3-5 years. Anyone can start by looking back on to develop new standards, and thus obtain a huge advantage.
I myself will try to use this opportunity as soon as possible. Because I hope I'd be right.
Do you agree with Marco? Is the release of iOS 7 promises to all a good opportunity or not? How do you think will change the market iOS 7? Leave your answers in the comments.