How to teach a child how to hold a pen or pencil
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes to teach the child a child to hold a pen properly. If you just do not receive a wrong habit stick very quickly and stays with a person for life.
And it's not even in handwriting. It would seem a trifle, but you never know what fate it may play in a person's life (eg, impact on its image in the future). At the very least, see an adult when he holds a pen as if he had no hand and claw some clumsy - mildly amusing.
We offer you a small, but interesting life hacking, which can help you in this matter.
1. Take a napkin and divide it in half. If you take the whole, it will be too big for small children's hands. Therefore, we use half.
2. You need to hold down the napkin ring finger and little finger. See how it's done in the photo below, and help your child to do the same.
3. Then ask the kid to take the other three fingers of a pen or pencil. Remind that the napkin in this case must be gripped in the hand.
4. Surprisingly, while the cloth is clamped his little finger and ring finger, the child way quietly holding a pen or pencil correctly.
This method is simple, as boots, but it really works. And if suddenly you have a child hold a pen properly, never too late retrained.