How to learn to enjoy simple things: 7 effective ways
Miscellaneous / / May 12, 2023
1. Rethink your approach to pleasure
This practice is also called dopamine fasting - this term introduced psychologist Cameron Sepa. Dopamine is a chemical that helps brain cells to exchange signals, and is also responsible for motivation and a sense of satisfaction. Hanging out in social networks, jamming stress with fast food and sweets are simple options for getting dopamine that can negatively affect a person’s life. Based on cognitive behavioral therapy, Sepa developed methodologywhich can help overcome addiction to unhealthy habits.
Temporarily give up available sources of pleasant sensations, such as the habit of grabbing a smartphone in any incomprehensible situation. How long such abstinence will last, choose for yourself: an hour, a few, or maybe a whole day. This practice is useful to realize your desires and find pleasure in things and moments that usually fade into the background. Walking or taking the subway without a podcast or music on your headphones can help you listen to your thoughts. And the refusal to surf the Internet will allow you to finish the work faster or even fall in love with boring tasks again. A regular “hunger strike” will help track your bad habits and behavior patterns, as well as gradually abandon what prevents you from fully enjoying every day.
2. Looking for fresh sensations
Gaining new experience will give positive emotions, but a bonus will help to handle the stress. In addition, you will always have interesting topics for conversation ready.
You can experiment with anything: get acquainted with different hobbies, look for unusual options for travel and entertainment, try changing the style of clothing. There are also very simple options. For example, arrange a different movie night once a week or a month and watch a movie in an unusual genre, or find restaurants of national cuisines in the city and test dishes from different parts of the world.
Free debit card VTB is useful for any experiments. Dinner with friends at a trendy restaurant, a taxi ride, a trip to the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner according to a new recipe - all this will bring 2% of the purchase amount to the card in the form of multi-bonuses. You can spend them in the catalog loyalty programs, where almost 500 thousand goods and services are collected, or exchanged for rubles at the rate of 1 multibonus = 0.85 rubles.
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3. Pay Attention to Joyful Events
Instead of dwelling on failures, make it a habit to remember a few good things that happened to you during the day before going to bed. This will help feel happier and more optimistic about life.
To firmly include such a practice in everyday life and not forget about it, come up with rules. For example, set an alarm for nine in the evening and indicate the number of joyful events that you need to remember. Write down happy moments in a notebook - you can simply list them or accompany each item with reasoning, as in a personal diary.
4. Compliment and offer help
Showing kindness does more than just improve relationships with others. If you make a habit of celebrating your friends' small victories, praising colleagues for great work, or donating money to charity, you can raise and your level of happiness. The fact is that these actions can increase the production of the hormone oxytocin, activate the pleasure centers in the brain, reduce stress levels, and even strengthen self-esteem. In such an elevated state, life will surely seem more pleasant.
And most importantly, practicing this method is as simple as possible: distribute goodness every day and recharge with joy. Do not limit yourself in compliments, but be careful with the amount of help. Objectively evaluate your resources and do only what you can do, otherwise there is a risk of overworking and, conversely, driving yourself into a stressful state.
5. Come up with rituals that make you happy
Evening conversation with parents via video link, lunch with colleagues in your favorite cafe, yoga or jogging in the morning - there can be as many rituals as you want. Constantly repetitive activities help calm down and focus, and they will also bring more colors and meanings to life.
To make the rituals as pleasant as possible, try to add ceremony to them. For example, work out in your favorite tracksuit, have breakfast with beautiful dishes, and light candles before reading a book in the evening.
The VTB debit card in a new minimalist design will make even the most ordinary trip to the store more pleasant - daily rituals become profitable with it. The loyalty program "Multibonus" from VTB will help you save on small (and big!) pleasures. When paying for purchases from its partners debit card you will get up to 30% cashback. And if you issue a card before June 15, 2023, the bank will refund you 1,000 rubles within 30 days after the first purchase.
6. Praise yourself
Small mistakes are easier to spot than small successes. Because a well-executed boss assignment, a trip to the gym, or a cooked dinner seem like something for granted. But it's not! It takes effort to work and take care of yourself. And if you did, there is reason for praise.
Don't feel guilty about any wrongdoing—become self-compassionate instead. This approach will allow feel better. You can go further and create a list of reasons to be proud: write down 10-20 of your most incredible achievements of all time, such as graduating from university or traveling solo. Gradually replenish the list and refer to it when it seems that life stands still and you have nothing to brag about. The list will remind you that you have more than enough achievements.
7. slow down
Try to set aside a few minutes a day for meditation. Sit in a comfortable position, set the timer, breathe calmly and pay attention to the internal sensations. Try to feel the moment with all your senses: what you hear, what you see, what smell and taste you feel, what your skin touches. This practice will help focus on the present, calm the swarm of thoughts and reduce the level of feelings.
Perhaps, in the process of meditation, everyday worries will still come to mind, but do not worry and do not stop - this is absolutely normal at the start. Just be aware of the distracting thoughts, discard them, and return to slowing down. Or use support: find audio or video lessons on the Internet and work out with an online trainer. If the practice is very difficult, replace it with a calm meditative activity, such as puzzles or a walk in the park.
Take care of your mental balance, and household tasks will take over debit card VTB. With it, it is convenient to pay utility bills without a commission and transfer up to 100,000 rubles per day to any banks by phone number. No interest is charged for cash withdrawals at any VTB ATM throughout Russia. You can apply for a card online in just a couple of minutes. A bank employee will bring a ready-made card for free to a place and time convenient for you, and will also teach you how to use it.
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VTB Bank (PJSC). General license No. 1,000 for banking operations issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on July 8, 2015.