«To-Do» or not «To-Do»: is a proper list
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
In recent years many have undertaken to compile a list of cases. Lists for work, leisure, visiting various places, lists of goals for the coming year, etc. Since the topic is very fashionable now, psychologists have approached this issue very carefully and from all sides. They consider various options for the effect of most of these lists not only on productivity but also on the overall psychological state of man. And the answers were not so unambiguous. It turns out that the establishment of lists is a type of procrastination. Simply put, some people even so manage to postpone the execution of the most difficult and unpleasant.
You have never had such a - you all day and only did what they had carried out one problem after another, and to-do list that seemed just endless? So you have decided to evaluate its work at the end of the day, and realized he had made a lot of small and not particularly important cases, and the main task remained intact. But the list is made.
Moreover, not all perform list in that order. It is often performed from the very beginning all the easy and difficult tasks are postponed for later. And sometimes the list is drawn up so that by reading it you have no idea how to be able to deal with these matters. Although in reality everything can be much easier simply because it is written.
How can make a list right? That is, so that it really helped the work and did not introduce you to the next stress?! Experts on procrastination and efficiency found a way out of this situation;)
According to the study of a Canadian professor of psychology, philosophy of Dr. Timothy (Timothy Pychyl) of Carleton University in Ottawa, many people are already making a list of the very important things considered achievement. That is, like a lot of work, and it should be how to do something. But you will not take for it until you make a list of the work itself and then proceed to its implementation in the architecture you order. The result is that the day is almost over, you really have not done anything, but the list will be drawn up and perform tomorrow. And nothing to complain about. You're working, right?
What can we do to make even the most complex cases in the list are not frightened and did not drop his hands? Try break one complex case into several simplerTo make it more "tangible". Studies have shown that to solve a problem that does not have a clear plan, it is much more difficult than painted on items with specific micro objectives. Of course, drawing up a detailed Plan of Action will take much more time. Yes, and it will look more impressive. But to perform even the most complex tasks will be much easier.
Make a chart. Dr. Neil Fiore (Neil Fiore), author of "The Habit Now work» (The Now Habbit at Work) advises to chart that will tell you when you should start work and when - finish. Each item in the list should be their priority. You can also specify how much time to spend on various items. For example, at the points with the priority "1" you spend about an hour. Then give yourself a "reward" - perform a simple matter for 30 minutes, etc.
Keep the focus on the main. If you are working on a difficult task, and can not decide which is more important thing - a brief outline the implementation plan and return to it after half an hour.
Be realistic! Fiore says that compiling lists with the time that should be spent on each item, and prioritization allows us to look at things realistically. "In reality, you can not do everything planned. But you can focus on how to make the most of your time now, in accordance with the your top priorities, and provides understanding and acceptance of the fact that the human potential limited. "
From myself would like to add that agree with Neil Fiore - a difficult task, which is not painted on the simpler items, solve difficult. When you paint the thing even 100 small things, you give it a certain form, a more realistic and achievable. The same applies to any idea. How can you create something, even if not really represent for what, why and how ?!