Why should you keep a paper diary
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Copyright Shutterstock
Today, I suggest you talk... about the paper. Revision "Layfhakera" often writes that everything is possible to simplify, automate, and converted into an electronic / digital form. But according to my own observations, there is one area of life, which is much more effective and useful "works" for the use of paper records, and not for service notes or online editor. It is about personal diary.
Why can and should keep a paper diary of a personal nature? Here are some reasons:
Produced beautiful handwriting. It would seem, in our time, gadgets, keyboard and touch screen there is no need for the ability to use a ballpoint or fountain pen. However, the person still continue to judge the "dress for success" - the first impression of communicating with you in different situations. Beautiful handwriting - another element of your personal style, able to win your business partners, colleagues or customers. It would still be a time when it is necessary to sketch out ideas on paper to sign a contract or make a small sketch of text notes, comments, or ideas for new joint project. "Doctor's handwriting," just do not add to you "pros." Therefore, write by the hand a little, but regularly.
Paper diary will allow you to "get out of the Web" at least half an hour. Disconnect from the constant flow of online information and an incredibly large number of online services are very useful for your eyes and mind. Filling out a paper diary - one of the ways to give himself a break.
The realization of what happened to you during the day, your thoughts and feelings. However much I tried to use to separate the personal diary notes into Evernote, or a document in Google Docs - the result is not the one. At Vladimir Degtyarev I spied excellent technique "daily pages" (When you are recording every day by hand in a diary on pages 1-2 of the personal plans, thoughts, ideas), which the Council to study and to you.
Your personal events will only your. Remember the recent hacking Evernote? Your personal feelings, thoughts, fears or doubts in need of "pronouncing" (recording on paper) in order to create an emotional "reset." But if they fall "into the wrong hands," I doubt that this will be of some benefit for you.
You can choose the format and change it at any time. All online diaries, planners, document editors impose on you a certain pattern, structure and format of the text data fixing. In a paper diary you can do drawings, sketches, outlines and adding "chunks" of text to a variety of "stream of consciousness" - and it does not need to "fit" into a particular format.
And how do you feel about keeping paper diaries / journals?