Medical journalist Alexei Vodovozov: what to put in your first aid kit
Miscellaneous / / April 27, 2023
On the road, the traveler's body can fail, and therefore it is better to prepare for unpleasant surprises in advance. Doctor-therapist and medical journalist Alexei Vodovozov told the audience of the “Scientists Against Myths” forum what tools and means should be put in the first-aid kit for everyone who goes on a trip.
Recording lectures organizers — «ANTROPOGENESIS.RU- posted on their YouTube channel. And Lifehacker prepared its text version.
Long term medications
These are all medications that you need to take regularly as directed by your doctor. For convenience, you can put them in a separate zip bag or a small cosmetic bag or box.
Naturally, you should have enough medicines for all days of the trip. So check if you have taken enough pills.
First aid for colds, allergies, pain and spasms
You may not need all of these medications, but it's best to keep them handy.
1. Combined cold remedies. These are medicines in the form of powders, packaged in small bags. They can help reduce symptoms. SARS
- lower the temperature, get rid of nasal congestion and weakness. You can take bags from any manufacturer.2. Painkillers and antipyretics. These are drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. They differ in mechanism and speed of action, so it is worth taking several different drugs with you - from mild to potent.
It is important that different people react differently to NSAIDs. Therefore, it is worth taking on a trip only the medicine that you have already experienced and know exactly what to expect from it. If someone else needs an anesthetic, you should ask in advance if the person had any unpleasant reactions to the active substance of the drug.
For example, I have a rather strange reaction to nimesulide. It drops my temperature below 35 ° C. That is, immediately from 38 to 35, so I don’t use it. But if someone has a toothache, just in case, I have nimesulide with me.
Alexey Vodovozov
3. Antihistamines. They are worth taking on the road, even if you haven't had them before. allergic reactions. Just in case, suddenly in the new environment allergens will be found that you simply have not yet met.
4. Antispasmodics. May be needed if a spasm suddenly occurs - for you or for those who are nearby.
Antacids and diarrhea medications
Unfamiliar water and food, as well as microorganisms unfamiliar to the immune system, can cause digestive disorders. Travelers encounter them quite often, so it is worth taking a few medicines to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
1. Medicines for diarrhea. They usually come in powder form. You can take any proven medicine.
2. Means for rehydration. At diarrhea it is necessary to restore not only the water balance, but also the content of ions - sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine. It is convenient to take sachets with you, which can be dissolved in a liter of water and drunk if necessary.
3. Antacids. Even if you haven't experienced heartburn before, exotic foods and irregular meals can trigger heartburn. Therefore, just in case, take any antacid - in the form of tablets or powder.
Please note: I do not have enterosorbents with me. This is a rather strange group of drugs, and evidence-based medicine treats them like this: there is - and okay, but let them not enter our territory: we are separate.
Alexey Vodovozov
These funds are always needed - for example, to disinfect hands. During the pandemic, pharmacological companies began to produce antiseptics in different forms, so today it is easy for us to choose the most suitable option.
1. Spray in flat pack. Very comfortable form for the traveler. Such a tool can be put in your pocket, small cosmetic bag or first aid kit and take with you anywhere.
2. Alcohol wipes. It's also a proven format. You need to take those wipes that are sold in pharmacies and soaked in ethanol. They fit easily in a purse. Napkins are easy to wipe hands or any surface, if necessary.
This block has everything you need if you get a minor injury. Remember that with serious consequences, you will need the help of specialists.
1. Bandages. It is worth taking sterile ones, but count on them only as “fasteners”. Such a bandage is useful, for example, to fix an injured hand.
2. A set of plasters. Let there be options that differ in size and shape, and on a different adhesive basis.
But I think you already carry them with you, because microtraumatism does not disappear anywhere, and you cannot do without it on trips.
Alexey Vodovozov
3. Bandages of plaster type. They are larger than conventional patches and can completely cover, for example, the knee. It is worth taking several of these adhesive bandages of different sizes.
4. Collagen hemostatic sponge. This is a non-obvious tool, and many are unfamiliar with it. But such a sponge is very convenient when you need to stop an inactive and extensive capillary bleeding.
5. Hydrogel bandage. When traveling, it is a very effective remedy for burns. It is necessary to open the package, unfold the tape and apply it to the damaged skin. One bandage is enough to completely cover the hand.
This is much better than the purest sea buckthorn oil or the most natural and high-quality sour cream, which is also used to fight burns.
Alexey Vodovozov
6. Toothpicks. They are useful for more than just brushing your teeth. A thin stick with a sharp end can, for example, press and open a tube with medicinal ointment. Another option is to wind a piece of cotton wool around the tip of a toothpick and use it for spot application of an ointment or solution.
Additional funds
This is an optional part of the first aid kit. But such drugs and tools can also be useful for you.
1. Vasoconstrictor spray. We all get stuffy noses sometimes. In these cases, it is important to quickly “break through” it and restore normal breathing. It is worth taking a spray, not drops, because in this form the concentration of the active substance is lower, and it is much more convenient to use the drug. If you have allergies, you can take an antihistamine medicine.
2. Eye drops. You can buy the drug in plastic packaging. It is very convenient to use it when after a long working day there is a feeling of sand in the eyes. Or if you meet with a gust of wind that will cover you with real sand. Drops will help to gently rinse the eyes and remove motes.
3. Lollipops. Take in the pharmacy those that say "from cough». They will be needed if you have to talk for a long time, and then it is difficult to get rid of dryness in your throat. Lollipops are needed to induce salivation. They will help to quickly remove discomfort.
When you read quite a lot of lectures, you can't do without lollipops at all. Some of them are with antiseptics, but I would not strongly recommend focusing on them, because it is not clear whether they work or not. But resorption helps tremendously.
Alexey Vodovozov
4. Thermometer. It is better to take not an electronic and, of course, not a mercury thermometer. There are Galinstan thermometers - they use a liquid mixture of gallium, indium and tin. It has a slightly bluish tint - this distinguishes it from mercury.
Such a thermometer has a minus: it is very difficult to shake it off. But there is also a huge plus: in five minutes you will accurately measure your temperature, there will be no mistake.
5. Tweezers. It will be needed, for example, to pick up a splinter.
6. Examination gloves. It is important to remember: if the victim is bleeding, it should not be touched with unprotected hands. So you can take, for example, hepatitis or other illnesses. So take a pair of gloves with you, just in case.
7. Pulse oximeter. This device does not always accurately indicate the level of oxygen in the blood. But it will certainly come in handy for those who need to quickly measure their heart rate.
This kit is more than enough for the vast majority of situations you might encounter on your trip. The main thing is that you know what you have and know how to use it.
Alexey Vodovozov
Read also🧐
- What should be in a first aid kit and how to use it
- Travel checklist: what to bring on a trip
- What to put in your first aid kit to be ready for anything
Cover: Carolina Villa / Medical journalist Alexei Vodovozov: what to put in your first aid kit