Excuses that prevent us to live and grow
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Your words are much more powerful than you could imagine. They - the source of your internal and external experience. Change your words and watch how your life will change. Whenever I feel the state of "I can not," I change my words and watch how my perspective and my outer world is changing.
Understanding the power of words can be very serious weapon. Below are the eight phrases that you say to yourself, and that can kill your dreams.
1. I'm scared
Ok, you should be scared! No matter big or small your plans, the path to the dream lies beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone. This is quite normal and natural - to be frightened. Instead of letting fear stop you, use it as a barometer. Fear will let you know that you are on the right track. New words: "I'm excited and cheerful!".
2. Me what is missing
Money. Time. An experience. Knowledge. Diplomas and certificates. Who told you that? You are the only person who can allow these thoughts stop you. Or do not allow. You choose. Despite the fact that you have something there, look at the resources available to you. Think about how you can use them. Dream - this is enough for a start. New words: "I have more than enough!".
3. It's too complicated
Listen to your heart. If you feel that something is given to you seriously, take and think about why you do it. Think about the ultimate big goal. Follow your dream. Enjoy the process. Your life - it is a process. New words: "Doing business - it's fun and it inspires me to continue."
4. I do not like ...
Such a case can be called a syndrome of "who am I to ???". We often believe that are not made of the same material as the other visionaries and leaders. We believe that we are not like them. That we are unworthy or incapable. Rather than feel inferior or unworthy use of their tenacity as an example to follow. Let it inspire you to achieve the same success. New words: "I am capable of."
5. I am not ready
It is a form of perfectionism that can stop you on your way. Undertaking - that is what makes you prepared. This is not logical, yes. But you will understand everything, take the next step to get what you expect. You feel ready, only then, when you start. New words: "If not now, when?".
6. I have never seen this done before
Do not look for the reasons for the impossibility. Find inspiration to remain steadfast in the pursuit of your dream. New words: "I will be a pioneer."
7. I have tried already before, and I could not get
If you always have all turned out, then you are very rare creature. Mistakes teach and show you what does not work. Mistakes help you get closer to your goal. Cease to be disappointed because of the unevenness of the way. Focus on how you will do it differently. New words: "Now I have the experience and knowledge."
8. I do not want people to think of me not
Why not? Those who really love you, will love you no matter what. Instead of worrying about the opinions of others, focus on yourself, listen to your heart, live according to that person you want to be. When you respect yourself, the opinions of others will have less and less importance. New words: "I'm excited and want to show everyone who I really am."