7 popular cat care myths that are dangerous to believe
Miscellaneous / / April 23, 2023
Find out why you shouldn't spoil your pet with milk.
Myth 1. Cats can go long periods of time without company.
Sometimes owners are convinced that cats are independent creatures that, unlike friendly dogs, do not require much attention. But in fact they are appreciate human society and need affection. The Cat Specialists considerthat a pet can be left alone for a maximum of 24 hours - and even this period is too long for some animals. It is important to take into account the state of health of the cat, its character, activity and age. For example, a small kitten that needs to be fed 3-4 times a day should definitely not be left unattended for a long time.
Some cats face separation anxiety. Her signs can be:
- excessive meowing;
- refusal of food and water when the owner is not around;
- frequent urination in inappropriate places;
- vomit;
- constant licking;
- destructive behavior such as a scratched sofa and overturned flower pots;
- stormy greetings when the owner returns home.
To prevent your pet from being sad while you are not at home, create a space for him to play. You can put a cat complex next to the window - so the animal will have the opportunity to observe what is happening on the street. It is also important to devote at least 10 minutes a day to play with the cat. If you are away somewhere for more than a day, ask your friends to look after your pet.
Myth 2. Milk is good for cats
Most cats are lactose intolerant in their milk because their intestines no enzyme for its digestion. Drink can call in animals vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. And fat milk. Drinking a whole saucer for a cat is like eating a 30-centimeter pizza alone for a person. If you feed your pet with milk regularly, it can cause serious weight problems for him.
The only situation when an animal worth giving such a delicacy is when you need to raise a kitten, which for some reason was left without a mother. But in this case, it is better to choose a special milk formula for cats. And for an adult pet enough clean drinking water.
Myth 3. Pets need to be let out for a walk
Domestic cats on average live 15-17 years, and the homeless - only 2-5. That is, the urban environment is not at all safe for the animal. It can get under the wheels of a car, eat spoiled food, fight with other cats or dogs, just get lost and not find the way home. And if he hasn't been vaccinated, the risk is high. get sick. For example, the feline calcivirosis virus is highly contagious and can persist in the environment for up to a week. death from it reaches 60%.
If you have an active pet and you are sure that he will enjoy the outdoors, bring out him for walks on a leash, which is fixed on the neck and chest. You can buy one at the pet store. Give your cat time to get used to the new accessory, and then choose a safe outdoor area for your cat to explore. Before you start walking, treat your pet's coat for fleas and vaccinate him. Necessary minimum - rabies vaccine and a comprehensive vaccination against viral diseases.
Myth 4. Castration causes cats to gain weight quickly.
Like people, animals are gaining extra pounds when you eat a lot and move little. Spaying or castration does not affect this. Most likely, the myth arose due to the fact that the operation is performed on already grown pets. They dont need in as many calories as kittens, and if they continue to eat as before, they get better. To avoid this, it's important not to overfeed your cat - recommendations for serving sizes are usually on the food packaging.
Spaying or neutering will give your pet the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. The operation helps prevent testicular cancer and prostate problems in males. A spaying in females allows to avoid infections of the uterus and tumors of the mammary gland, which develop into malignant in 90% of cats.
Myth 5. Cats do not require special care
In fact, it is not enough just to buy food and a bowl - it is also important to properly organize the space in the apartment. For example, pick up special scratching posts so that the cat does not turn furniture into them, and offer special houses and trees for games. Even equipping a toilet is not so easy - the animal may not like the size of the tray or its location.
Some breeds require special care. Let's say sphinxes have oily skin, and therefore they need to be periodically bathe in warm water with a mild animal shampoo. Cats with long hair, for example Maine Coons, preferably comb out once every couple of days so that they do not have tangles.
Also, all pets should be regularly shown to the veterinarian and vaccinated. If an adult cat has not had health problems before, you can come for a checkup once a year. Elderly pets from 11 years of age require visits every six months. Also, if you choose purebred animals, find out what diseases they have. For example, in Persian cats often there are problems with the eyes and teeth, so you need to pay special attention to their condition.
Myth 6. Animals distinguish poisonous plants from harmless ones
Most cats are finicky creatures and are very particular about what they eat. Therefore, poisoning they really rare. But they cannot be completely ruled out. A young inquisitive cat may well try an unfamiliar flower - just like that, out of boredom. Therefore, potentially dangerous plants you need to put it where the pet will not get to them.
Some flowers are better not to bring into the house at all. So, in the case of lilies, pollen can cause poisoning if it will fall on animal fur. Also poisonous to cats. considered aloe vera, azalea, chrysanthemum, daffodils, tulips and geraniums. Instead, it is better to choose a calathea, orchid or gerbera.
By the way, cats gnaw flowers not out of harm. So they try to improve digestion and cleanse the stomach of wool, which hits into it while licking.
Myth 7. Cats have nine lives
Unfortunately, there is only one life. But sometimes pets are helped to survive by dexterity, quick reaction and quick wits. For example, in New York, a cat fell out from the 32nd floor and escaped with minor lung damage and a chipped tooth. Two days later, the doctors sent the animal home. And yet such situations are exceptional - otherwise they would not be written about in the newspapers. Real pet can get serious injury, even if it falls from the 1st or 2nd floor. Therefore, it is better not to rely on cat luck and put on windows special netsthat prevent jumping.
The opinion that cat saliva has an antibacterial effect, and therefore the pet can heal its wounds on its own, is also erroneous. In the wild, animals lick abrasions to clean the damaged areas of dirt and soothe themselves. But so they can bring an infectionand therefore such behavior should be stopped. If the wound or scratch is small, rinse with a mild antiseptic solution or warm water. And in case of serious damage, it is better to take the animal to the veterinary clinic.
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