More recently, we talked about way inform the person who found your phone, your contact details in case he expresses the wish to return to your smartphone. In one of the comments of readers correctly pointed out that this method may not be very convenient for owner, because each time you unlock your device will have to watch the message addressed not you. Today we offer you to get acquainted with a more convenient option.
We are talking about the application misHaps for Android, which adds to the screen unlock message with contact information for the person to be contacted in case of finding the lost device, as well as a message from the data of the person with whom to contact in an emergency (for example, if the owner of the smartphone is not consciousness).
The app allows you to set the interval at which your smartphone will display a message with contact information. Data on the device in case of loss, and in case of emergency situations are introduced separately, so you can specify different contact people. In this case, the screen unlock messages will be interspersed with a small time interval.
Unfortunately, this application is paid. The price for it is 32 rubles, but we know that Android users with a strong desire can get it free.
misHaps | Google Play Store