10 business lessons to learn from parenting
Miscellaneous / / April 06, 2023
Entrepreneurial moms share how their kids have changed the way they work.
1. Don't be afraid to delegate
Often a business is not a purely commercial enterprise, but a beloved brainchild. Therefore, it is difficult to entrust the processes to anyone: suddenly they will not keep track. Leaving a child for a while is even more difficult, but sometimes you have to do it. After this experience, delegation becomes somewhat easier.
Elena Mladova
Chief physician, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, general director of the REMEDI Institute of Reproductive Medicine.
The first skill that definitely comes from parenting is delegation. Transfer some of the responsibilities if you don’t want to drown in business. In the family, this is help in caring for children and the home. You can hire a nanny, cleaning service, driver, cook. In business, it is necessary to designate the area of responsibility and select the heads of areas.
2. To plan
Any adult has planning skills - someone is worse, someone is better. But not everyone uses them effectively. These abilities are easier to ignore if there are no serious consequences. Children are forced to plan everything much more carefully, because miscalculations are fraught with trouble. For example, missed a day
dream - the child's regimen has gone astray, as a result, they do not sleep at night all week. And mothers know the value of sleep.Mistakes in business planning can also lead to losses. So a responsible attitude to the process is an important skill.
Anastasia Borovskaya
Director of the Russian School of Management.
My children, sitting down at the table in the morning on the weekend, say: “Mom, what is our plan for the day?” For them it is the most convenient form of interaction: they know what awaits them, and among themselves all their actions will be agreed. Planning is an important tool and allows you to solve many problems in the family.
I applied the same to business. We have planned meetings (general and individual), we work on sprints in tasks. And everyone lives according to this schedule.
In addition, the presence of a plan and the features of life with children teach you to spend all your time as efficiently as possible. WITH child not to procrastination.
Daria Verkeenko
Managing director and co-founder of the marketing communications agency Slovo i Delo.
Probably, everyone is familiar with this: to sit, think, it is pointless to scroll through social networks, wait for inspiration, tune in to an important task. Forget! To have time to complete the maximum tasks while the 15-minute series of "Lyova-truck" is going on or during the afternoon nap - any mother is a master in this field.
3. Feel free to change plans
You can be a planning genius, but little bosses easily make their own adjustments to the daily routine. get angry and calling the child to order is unlikely to help. And if you can not influence the situation, you have to change your attitude towards it.
Kristina Petrova
Founder of PR Perfect communication agency.
Children are when you have everything under control and almost nothing at the same time. This is when you are going to the sea, and you go to traumatology. This is when life regularly asks: “Do you decide here?” And laughs in your face, presenting a new "pleasant" surprise.
Therefore, parenthood, of course, teaches you to plan, but to a greater extent it teaches you to be okay with the fact that things can go differently. At the same time, you are able to quickly change your priority strategies and the world does not collapse because of this. Flexibility and ease of decision-making are the main skills in business, in my opinion.
4. Be patient
A common cognitive error is to assume that everyone around you has the same experience and knowledge as you. So sometimes people become impatient with others: why doesn't he understand? yes he's teasing! Children are new to this life, they make you accept that someone can not to know something or not realize and that's okay.
“Patience is one of the key qualities of an entrepreneur. It is often even more important than experience and knowledge. The children taught me to calmly, without losing my temper, repeat the same thing 20 times, not considering the interlocutor as mentally retarded, ”says business coach Regina Pritula.
This quality allows you to approach various issues more thoughtfully, consciously. Because quick fixes are not always effective.
Svetlana Shishneva
Development Director of Nutrifica.
Perhaps the main principle that has migrated from parenthood to business is not to rush to conclusions. My children are of different ages: the eldest has already gone to the eighth grade, the youngest is in elementary school. No matter what happens, no matter what they tell me, I try not to label or give hasty answers. My children are just shaping their attitude towards life. And they are not me. Sometimes they questions confuse me and even force me to re-evaluate my views on life and behavior patterns.
Accepting this fact helps me in my work. Previously, I scolded myself for delaying the decision, I convinced myself that it was necessary to act quickly, that it was necessary to resolve conflicts actively and preferably here and now. Now I allow myself to ask for a pause and cool down, to think well. If during a business meeting the conversation comes to a standstill, I do not bend my line, but ask to continue the discussion on another day. In addition, it is very important for an entrepreneur to remain open to ideas, innovations, and trends. So the children really keep my mind in good shape and do not allow me to become a serious omniscient aunt.
5. Be multitasking
Doing ten things at the same time is definitely about parents. For business, this skill can also be useful.
Daria Verkeenko
Managing director and co-founder of the marketing communications agency Slovo i Delo.
Motherhood and business are multifunctional. Multitasking with a baby in your arms is pumped better than in any advertising agency. This is probably the most banal thing that can be said on the topic, but it is impossible not to mention it. With one hand to rock, the second to calm, and with the third to coordinate work issues.
6. Lead constructively
manage people so that they feel good, and the business develops, is not easy. This has to be learned. Children here can become very effective teachers.
Anastasia Yakusheva
Entrepreneur, founder of Miss X and I am pijama brands.
When you become a leader, it’s like you find yourself with a newborn in your arms. You don't understand what to do. When you need to set a task for an employee, this is the same as explaining something to a child: write everything down in great detail in order to get the result.
Children do not know anything about the world - they need to be taught. The situation is similar with employees, because they do not understand your business. How do babies do first steps, fall, rise and go, and so do colleagues: they make mistakes, fall, get up, make mistakes. You need to work on yourself to become a good mother and leader, learn to support, guide.
You can give a specific example. So, my 12-year-old daughter Zlata wants to go to Dubai. And you explain to her what she needs to do to get there. I set the task of earning 30 thousand rubles, and then we will go. She walked neighbors' dogs, ran a social network for a customer, and in a month she collected the required amount, because she was motivated. The same with an employee who wanted a promotion - you explain to him how to reach the goal, what is required of him in terms of actions, and this helps.
7. Refuse
children teach say no. No, you can't drink from a puddle. No, you shouldn't throw your mom's bag off the balcony. Diplomatic formulations and feeding breakfasts will not get off here. For business, this is also a useful skill - it allows you not to waste time on unnecessary things.
Maria Romanovskaya
Founder of the M22 premium hand cosmetics brand.
With children, this has to be done several times a day, and they are most traumatized by double messages - contradictory instructions. Saying “no” to kids is clear, precise, and firm, and it works the same way in business. The ability to refuse is very important for an entrepreneur.
8. Ask for advice
Admitting you don't know something can be difficult. But this is a must if you want to move forward, and not stagnate. Get experience from other people's mistakes, and not fill your own bumps.
Maria Romanovskaya notes that no one teaches you to be a parent, and from the very beginning you have to step over your own pride and ask advice those who know better. In business, especially if it is a start-up, it is also simply necessary to absorb the knowledge of colleagues in the shop and senior comrades, and not only those who work in the same field. An entrepreneur consults with any professionals, because there is no superfluous knowledge.
9. Rest
Both entrepreneurship and parenting usually take 24 hours a day. And often people present work without rest as an achievement. But the truth is that if you are on duty all the time, it significantly affects the quality of life. A tired, suffering person cannot be as effective as a vigorous and full of strength.
Regina Pritula
Business trainer.
Mom has the right to rest. Without children. In a locked room and in silence. Then the mother can continue to love children. Business also needs rest. By locking him in the office and allowing himself to live with something else.
Working to the point of complete moral burnout, like “motherhood” without the right to an evening with friends, leads to an equally deplorable result in the psychotherapist’s office.
10. Do what you really enjoy
Motivation of potential entrepreneurs, roughly speaking, can be of two types:
- “We need to start some kind of business so as not to work for my uncle.”
- "What a gorgeous idea I have arose, it is necessary to bring it to life!”
None of these options can be called wrong or ineffective. But sometimes you can fall into a trap: there is a business, it works, but it does not bring much joy. And loving what you do is important.
Hope Kobina
General Director of the agency for the development of the personal brand "Cosmos-4".
One of the business lessons I've learned from being a parent is to do what you really enjoy. The children brought me back to this feeling when you have a sincere interest in your occupation, whether it is drawing, folding a pyramid, clay modeling. Children are very open and sensitive: if something is not close to them, there are reasons for this and this is not always due to failure. It is important to keep in touch with your true desires. But when we become adults, we forget about it and more often do what we need, and not what we want.
This lesson allowed me to reconsider my attitude to work and to doing business. And among other things, he helped to build interaction in the team based on the strengths and preferences of employees.
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Text worked on: author Natalia Kopylova, editor Anastasia Naumtseva, proofreader Olga Sytnik