11 of the rules of storage, which will help to get out less often
Tips / / December 19, 2019
1. Bought? Throw out!
No, do not buy right away in the trash. When you decide to bring home a new thing, it is necessary to free up space. Sometimes, for the sake of need something to throw. And do not think that you have nothing to throw away. How many things you have lying in the event of "What if tomorrow the war?" And the old boots you will help in the war? To put something new, you need to throw out the old. How to get rid of trash, we wrote many times.
Naturally, this does not apply to all situations. For example, if you moved into a new apartment, because it is difficult to throw something. But when your house is generally staffed and you're going to buy something else, you need to think about a place for things. This is especially true of t-shirts, shoes and mugs. If the hands are drawn to buy a brand new, audited to throw one.
Again, without fanaticism. Jewelery is not necessary to carry a pawn shop and donate books to the library. Collections of things are good, if you constantly use them and they have a separate room for storage.
2. The procedure begins at the corners
Organization of any house begins with the organization's warehouses. Garage, basement, attic, closet, mezzanine. Reconsider that in them is, and ruthlessly discard all that's stopping you. Freed a bunch of places. If you live in a small apartment, you need to periodically shake up the drawers, cabinets and all the dark corners, littered with things that you do not use.
When things think through layout, move from the general to the particular, considering a few things tiers of storage:
- For general use. Here has its own specifics, because in these places consistently held crowds of people. And if everyone uses the same cabinet, someone will spoil the harmonious order. Therefore, the overall storage system should be the most simple and convenient.
- Personal space. Here, no matter how hard you try, unification will not help. Everything will work as it suits them.
- Small spaces. This individual boxes and box space under sinks and so on. They can also be spread out things in a separate order.
3. You can buy a case, but the order can not be bought
In the quest for the good organization of space is a trap that easy to please when shopping. If you shop and storage systems are going to purchase some the wardrobe with millions of ergonomic shelves, do you think that it will solve all problems.
You do not think that only the fact of the purchase of the simulator will make you exercise daily?
storage systems - a great way out, but they should be selected based on the parameters of the house and its habits. And remember that the most ultra-modern projects will not clean up things in place and take out the garbage without your participation.
4. The figure and the figure again
If you are already well over thirty, and your work has nothing to do with technology, you can be still keep only what you can hold in their hands. It's time to move things in the virtual space.
Scan skis and equipment does not work, but many of the things that fill your box, you can digitize.
Again, we are not trying to change the position of principle, if you like the smell of the pages or the sound on vinyl. But, if you are not a collector, it is time to move to e-books and cloud storage.
Digitization of documents will save you from deposits and photos in albums that fit on the hard drive or folder to your cloud storage.
5. Grouping - the beginning of the order
When determining the place of storage, group them, fold like with like. The more logical and easier to be able to distribute the objects in groups, the easier it will be to live and maintain order with them.
Collect items in your home by type and store them next to each other. You sure there are items that do not lend themselves to classification. But for the ones you zavedet separate box "Miscellaneous and all."
6. Own place
Few consider how often used object and which group it should include. Some things may be their storage conditions. Something can not be left in a humid room, something - in the sun, for some reason you need a good ventilation. Find a package for every thing in the house in accordance with these requirements.
7. Without fanaticism
It is easy to overdo it, organizing the space in your house. Each nail does not need to be put in a separate box, if you only have five nails and the two screws in the house. Too rigid separation of groups of things leads to the fact that the maintenance of the space in the right form it takes too much time and effort. Sort by color circles - it's a sign of frustration, not love of order.
8. All the moves are recorded
Do you want to lay everything carefully, it was safe and sound? Fine. We have to find a scarf to search through all the drawers, boxes and shelves? So imagine the prospect.
Now imagine that all the supplies, such as toothpaste, are in the closet on the left side, and on the left door is written: "Toothpaste, soap, shower gel, shampoo." Search simplified - this time. The preferred just to clean things in place after purchase - that's two. Well, you can always see when supplies something of coming to an end - that's three.
Mark storage need, especially this saves when it comes to seasonal clothing and long storage. If you have over the years there is a box under the bed with something very important, but you do not remember what it is, remove it and write what is inside.
9. Keep things where they may come in handy
It seems that this advice from Captain Obvious, but still no one does. Keep collection scarves near the front door, to be able to select an accessory to the output, and camping equipment that you last fetched a few years ago, zapryachte far away. So it will be easier to put things into place.
Corollary to this rule: things have to be moved during the year between different rooms and shelves, depending on the season.
10. All according to plan
Run five-year period over the weekend - sounds tempting. But you do not have time. However, the correct organization of space is not done in two days, you need to reflect on it and introduced gradually.
Gaps in the ergonomics of the apartment appear gradually. Sometimes we do not even see the mess until you'll get to this place right up there and try to find something. Today, you do not hang down jacket because it is inconvenient to hang yesterday for half an hour spent searching for the right a document that was not in the drawer, the day before yesterday earned a lump, when they opened the closet door and was hit by the collapse of of things. Solve problems as they arrive. Make a plan for the transformation of the apartment (at least for a year in advance, you will not hurry) and do everything in order.
Come in from time to time in the house with pencil and notepad. Draw a floor plan and a marker Please flag areas where most debris accumulates and form blockages. With them and sort it out first.
11. View from the outside
If your sofa last 10 years, stood in one place and every morning started with the fact that you touched the little finger of his feet this very sofa, maybe it makes sense to change something in arrangement of things?
Collect opinions. If you do not live alone, then other family members also have their own ideas about what and where it should lie.
You know, everyone has a friend to whom you can come at any time of the day and find that the house perfectly clean? Ask how he does it. Repeat.
Unless, of course, he did not drait floors for two hours a day, it is not life hacking. :)