5 things to consider before moving for work
Miscellaneous / / April 05, 2023
It is important to discuss the issue not only with loved ones, but also with experienced people.
Moving for work is an important and difficult step. Making a decision is especially difficult if you have a partner and children. Changes will seriously affect not only your financial situation, but also family life and social ties. Therefore, it is important to think carefully and take into account all factors.
1. Personal preferences
Determine what is really important to you. If a career is at the top of your personal priority list, and moving will help you reach a new level, this is a powerful argument to agree and change your place of residence. But if it's more important to you to be with your family or keep close ties with close friends, relocation doesn't make much sense.
Therefore, before making a final decision, make sure that you understand all your priorities.
2. Family interests
The decision to move is not made in a vacuum. This means that you need to discuss the issue with your loved one, who will either have to quit his job and leave with you, or stay.
If there are children in the family, it is important to talk to them about what your new home will look like and what they will be like. adapt in a new place. In the case of teenagers, moving will disrupt their normal schooling, which can make it difficult to prepare for final exams and university entrance. And it will be difficult for children of primary school age to say goodbye to friends.
3. Alternatives
You may think that moving is the only way to advance your career, but there are usually other options. If you decide to stay, it is possible that you will have a chance to "rebuild" your career, find a new job in your specialty or in a completely different field.
Consider what professional opportunities you have outside of moving and carefully consider each one.
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4. Other people's experience
Ask for help from those who have already encountered a similar choice. You are clearly not the first person in the world with this problem. Think about who can give you good advice and share their moving scenario: a close friend, relative, or colleague.
Perhaps a completely unexpected candidate will come to your mind - someone with whom you rarely communicate, but whose practical experience will really be useful to you.
5. Consequences
In most cases, moving means losing a “support group,” which may include family, friends, and confidants. In a new place, you will have to make new social connections and start everything from scratch, which means that at first you will experience stress and loneliness.
The larger the move and the larger the family, the more difficult it is to establish a life, especially at first. Until you have a new “support group”, you will have to solve a lot of issues again - for example, with whom to leave the child if you are late at work, or what to do if he suddenly get sick. Therefore, consider all the likely consequences when planning your move.
Don't be in a hurry. Many people make difficult decisions intuitively in order to quickly get to the bottom of the problem. Of course, long thoughts are not always comfortable, but when it comes to moving, they are absolutely necessary.
Even in the short term, it will take a lot of effort from you. If the company pays for the relocation, most likely a certain employee will help with the logistics. But if you're moving on your own, you'll have to think about packing and shipping, transportation, accommodation in another city, and more. If you have your own apartment, the question will arise, what to do with her - sell or rent. If you have children, you will need to look for a new kindergarten or school. If elderly relatives depend on you, you need to decide who will take care of them.
Make sure you have considered everything possible given your circumstances before making your final decision.
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