What is ABL training and who is it for?
Miscellaneous / / April 05, 2023
Let's see how effective these exercises are.
What is ABL training
ABL workouts are a group fitness program aimed at losing weight and pumping the muscles of the lower body. The abbreviation ABL stands for Abs, Buttock, Legs, which in English means "press, buttocks, legs."
Classes last from 45 to 60 minutes, combine elements of cardio and strength exercises, take place under peppy music and coaching.
Unlike certified programs like Zumba or the Body Pump, ABL workouts are a generic term for workouts that focus on working on “problem” areas. Each fitness trainer himself determines which movements to make complexes, in what sequence to perform movements and with which shells to work.
As a rule, exercises include different variations of squats, lunges and tilts to work out the hips and buttocks, as well as twists and planks to pump the press.
The movements are repeated many times, the speed and range of their execution periodically change. For example, for 30 seconds they do a deep squat, the next half a minute - it is twice as fast, and then add a pulsation - a slight wiggle at the bottom point.
Due to repeated repetition, it turns out to load the muscles with light shells: dumbbells for 1-3 kg, body bar, fitness rubber band or medicine ball.
Why ABL workouts are useful
Since there is no single format for ABL workouts, it is difficult to draw a conclusion about their effectiveness. But, based on the features of the classes, we can assume that they will help:
- Lose a few pounds. In the process of training, exercises are performed with minimal rest, so that the heart rate remains elevated for the entire 45–60 minutes of the session. Thanks to this, you can increase your daily calorie expenditure and, if you do not compensate for this through nutrition, throw off a few extra pounds.
- Strengthen the muscles of the legs and abdomen. ABL workouts consist of repeated exercises with light weights. This format of work develops muscle endurance and at first slightly increases their volume.
- Improve overall endurance. Medium-intensity work with or without light equipment, as well as various cardio exercises as part of a workout, pump the cardiorespiratory system.
- Get used to strength training. Weight training is essential for health, but women often avoid strength training for fear of looking bulky or simply because they don't know what to do. ABL training solves all of these problems. The fitness trainer shows the exercises and corrects the technique, and working with light weights leaves no chance to “swing”.
At the same time, do not expect ABL training to help:
- Make your stomach flat and your legs slim. Ab exercises do not help burn fat. They can only do stomach visually more toned if the fat layer is already small. What's more, best with deposits are fighting high intensity workouts. Group ABL is a measured exercise of medium intensity, so they cannot be called a very effective method of losing weight.
- pump up round ass. To achieve noticeable hypertrophy of the gluteal muscles, you need to tire them well and gradually increase the load. At the same time, the group format in most cases does not imply an individual approach. Thus, at first, the muscles will grow, but progress will quickly stop.
- Get rid of cellulite. The severity of the "orange peel" on the thighs depends on the amount of fat and microcirculation in the tissues. Medium-intensity workouts, especially without a diet change, are ineffective in combating cellulite.
Thus, ABL training is a good option for beginners. But if you want a pumped-up ass and legs and a flat, embossed stomach, after a while you will have to switch to more intense loads.
In addition, it is important to reconsider nutrition, since the percentage of body fat in the body is more dependent on diet than on physical activity.
Who should not do ABL training
There are several diseases and conditions in which it is worthwhile to approach any physical activity with caution. Please check with your doctor before enrolling if you have any of the following:
- diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
- problems with the spine or joints, old injuries;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- pregnancy.
Be sure to let the trainer know about your problems and limitations.
How to try ABL workouts
Look for group classes in the fitness clubs in your city and sign up for a workout.
For classes, you only need comfortable sportswear, running shoes and a bottle of water. Mats, dumbbells, rubber expanders and other training equipment, as a rule, are provided by a fitness club.
If you want to try ABL workouts at home, you will have to buy 2 kg dumbbells: most programs are conducted with these.
When it comes to exercises, you can find ready-made sessions on YouTube from fitness trainers from different cities. We've put together a few in the playlist below.
Make room for the class, spread out the mat and repeat after the trainers in the video.
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