Not only money: what is family capital and how to accumulate it
Miscellaneous / / April 05, 2023
These tips can help you become a stronger and more prosperous family.
It may seem that family capital is only about the competent distribution of money within the family. Yes, finances are important, but other factors also affect family happiness. Therefore, family capital should be considered in three aspects:
- social (health, environment, family traditions);
- financial (general budget, financial literacy, insurance);
- intellectual (education, skills).
All of them need to be given equal attention. The ability to find a balance between assets is an important skill that should be developed. You can understand how you understand the topic now, for example, in the mini-game "family capital». As an experiment, you can play the game before and after reading the article, and then compare the result. In the meantime, we will tell you in what ways you can strengthen family capital.
How to increase family capital
Social assets
1. Take care of your health
Both physical and mental. It helps to achieve more, raise the standard of living, avoid unnecessary expenses and empty conflicts in the family, for example, due to violent reactions caused by increased anxiety or chronic stress.
The habit of taking care of your body is important to pass on from generation to generation. Younger family members should know that specialists should be visited as soon as unpleasant symptoms appear or even if nothing hurts - prevention will prevent serious problems. And you should also avoid harmful attitudes like "boys should not complain."
It is better to show everything to children by your own example. Try to visit the dentist regularly, take a general blood test, undergo fluorography and other recommended procedures. It's also not worth getting vaccinated. forget. And if it has become difficult to cope with life's difficulties and news, then it is important to consult a psychologist.
Don't just stop at the experts. Try to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and interest children in them. Let's say you go skiing in the park together and keep a regular sleep schedule.
2. Form a positive social circle
If there are only critics or pessimists among acquaintances and friends, suffering self-esteem. This, in turn, can have a negative impact on the family, including relationship with a partner And parenting style. For example, parents who need positive feedback from other people to feel self-worth are often more demanding of their child: they are focused on achieving results, rather than on support. These are the same parents who can tell a child who got a B on a difficult control: “Why not five?” Another possible problem from a toxic environment is stress and poor mood. If it is impossible to refuse such communication, try designate borders. Do not be afraid to say no and do not act contrary to your desires and abilities.
3. Create family traditions
They will help warm the relationship, build trust, and give younger family members a sense of security and belonging. Traditions don't have to be grandiose. For example, once a year it can be problematic to go on a joint vacation. But getting together once a week for lunch, celebrating holidays together, going for walks or having movie nights is quite doable.
Traditions can be quite tiny. Wishing a good day in the morning or placing notes with nice words on the refrigerator is already a significant contribution to family capital. Also, traditions do not have to involve all family members. For example, fishing trips can only bring together grandfather and granddaughter.
4. Organize an inspiring environment
The apartment should have a place for high-quality joint recreation. For example, buy a large table for shared dinners or place a comfortable sofa and armchairs in the living room. Add cozy details like pillows or a vase of flowers to create a warm atmosphere not only communication, but also the surrounding space.
Another important factor is a good area with developed infrastructure: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, grocery stores, entertainment centers nearby. In this one, you won’t have to spend a lot of time on the road, which means there will be more of it for useful activities, including communication with your family. Proximity to the park too will go Benefits: Being outdoors improves health and increases life satisfaction.
financial capital
1. Determine the format of the family budget
Having a well-thought-out budget will help you rationally distribute income, multiply savings and plan large purchases. And also avoid conflicts with loved ones on the basis of money. The family budget does not always involve the formation of a common boiler. He can be:
- Separate. Each spends income as he sees fit, and common expenses, such as utilities, the spouses pay in turn.
- Joint. All earnings are added to one piggy bank, and then distributed to general and personal expenses.
- Mixed. Spouses keep part of the salary for themselves, and from the other they form a budget to cover common expenses.
The main thing is to discuss and understand in time which model is closer to your family. And be sure to choose a person responsible for finances. So the bills will definitely be paid on time and you will not go into negative. You can control the budget using spreadsheets or ready-made tools, such as applications "home bookkeeping" or "Zen Money».
The family budget includes not only direct income, but also investments and property, such as a car or an apartment. And also savings: having an airbag is useful in case of unexpected expenses or problems, such as the sudden dismissal of a family member.
2. Upgrade your financial literacy
This asset is useful for weekly purchases in the supermarket, and for large expenses like buying an apartment. Understanding how to manage income, interact with banks and respond to changes in the country will help you soberly assess the material possibilities of the family and spend money wisely.
Not only parents should have financial literacy: it is important to instill it in children as well. So they will form the right attitude to finances, understand how to accumulate them, and not fall for the tricks of scammers.
3. Insure important
Insurance will not protect against problems, but it will help you worry less about possible difficulties. You will know that if something happens, the company will reimburse large expenses and you will not have to urgently borrow money from friends or take out loans. It is useful to insure:
- Apartment. For example, from flooding, fire and criminals.
- Automobile. Issue an OSAGO policy need to by law: it will help compensate the damage to the other party if you become the culprit of an accident. And to insure your car against theft, vandalism, fire and other risks, need already a voluntary Casco policy.
- Health. For example, a VHI policy to visit doctors in private clinics, and tick insurance, which, in the event of a bite, will cover the costs of tests, treatment and observation.
In any case, it is important to choose a reliable insurance company. Before buying a policy, carefully check the license and reputation, study the conditions and procedure for interaction. Otherwise, you can waste money by enriching scammers, or contact an insurer who likes to underestimate payments or refuse them at all.
intellectual capital
1. Support the desire to learn
Constant acquisition of new knowledge is positive affects on a sense of self-worth, replenishes the stock of interesting topics for conversation and helps to feel more confident when looking for a job. Plus, the education of the older generation of the family affects the younger. Statistics showsthat children whose parents have received higher education are more likely to continue their education in grades 10-11 and aspire to enter universities.
It is not necessary to study only in a professional framework. Mastering skills useful in everyday life is also self-development. Plus, it will help you save more. For example, by learning how to care for plants, you can start growing greens on the windowsill, rather than buying them in the supermarket.
2. Have common hobbies
Joint evenings with board games, sports games and other team activities will help pump emotional intelligence. They will teach children to respond correctly to the moods of others and understand their feelings, and adults to manage emotions in real life. In addition, the behavior of adults watching children: they can remember the format of their parents' rest and adopt it in the future. Active and interesting activities will inspire them. Also a good rest. helps improve mood, fight stress and boredom.
3. Share your skills
Now children and teenagers can learn almost anything through videos on the Internet. But still it is better to develop in them the habit of first asking for help from older relatives. So, the development of a new hobby will turn into a warm memory and fall into the treasury of family capital. The younger generation can also teach something useful. For example, kids and teens can show their grandparents how to use a smartphone or explain Zoomer slang.