Do children need exercise and how to do it right
Miscellaneous / / April 05, 2023
Morning exercise is good for more than just physical fitness.
Why kids should do morning exercises
Daily physical activity is essential for the normal growth and development of children of all ages. Exercise not only strengthens muscles and pumps endurance, but also contributes to the development of the brain.
For example, one study found that 30 minutes of physical activity before school increase attentiveness and make children of primary school age less capricious.
Morning exercises will not only help the child wake up, but also improve concentration, memory and creative thinking, which will positively affect his learning.
For example, several studies have confirmed that physical activity promotes success in reading and mathematics.
As for the type of exercise, well work both intense exercises for endurance training, and movements aimed at developing balance and coordination. During morning exercises for children, you can do both.
At what age can children be taught to exercise
Children 3-4 years old
necessary about three hours of physical activity per day, and for children from 5 to 18 years old - at least an hour of medium and high-intensity exercise. Moreover, both movements for the development of endurance and strength training are important.It is clear that morning exercises will not replace outdoor games during the day, but can increase the amount of activity, especially given the love of modern children for smartphones and computers.
Thus, you can accustom your child to this beginning of the day as early as 3-4 years old - as soon as he can repeat the movements after you.
How to do morning exercises for kids
The entire charge will take 12-15 minutes. The complex starts with an easy warm-upsfollowed by active exercises to develop endurance and muscle strength. The cool-down completes everything with a slight stretch and movements to develop balance.
How to warm up
Put on some upbeat music, set a timer, and do each movement for 20 seconds. Because the exercises are easy, you won't need to rest.
1. Steps in place
Walk with your hips high. Move vigorously.
2. Steps with cotton underfoot
Raise your arms above your head and join your palms. Continue to walk in place, raising your knees high, but now clap your hands under your raised hip with each step.
3. Body turns
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Turn the body to the left, extending the right arm at shoulder level. Try not to twist your hips too much. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Continue in the same spirit, alternating sides through time.
4. Slopes "mill"
Stand with your feet one and a half to two times wider than your shoulders, raise your arms to your sides so that your body resembles a star. Bend over with a turn of the body and touch your right foot with your left hand. Rise to the starting position and repeat the same on the other side.
5. Squats
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms forward. Do full range squats so that your pelvis drops below your knees. Take your time and do not make sudden movements.
6. Leg swing with hand touch
Stand up straight, extend your arms at shoulder level, palms down. Make a swing with your right foot, trying to touch the toe of the foot with the fingers of your left hand. Then repeat the same with the other leg. Alternate them every other time, try not to bend your back.
How to do the main part
This part will take about 8 minutes. Do each exercise for 20 seconds, rest for the next 20 seconds, and move on to the next movement. If the child is tired, you can take a slightly longer break.
You can also reduce the amount of exercise. For example, make only five of them, and add new ones as you get used to it. Focus on the condition of the child and his ability to memorize new exercises.
1. Jumping "legs together - legs apart"
Put your feet together, lower your arms. With a jump, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms through your sides and clap your hands over your head. Then also jump back to the starting position. Continue in the same spirit.
2. "Bear" penetration
Place your palms on the floor and move on the floor on all fours. Try not to bend your knees too much.
3. Squats with jump and touch the floor
Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, lower yourself into a squat, touching the floor between your feet with your toes. With a jump, connect your legs and stretch your arms up. Jump back into a crouch and touch the floor. Continue in the same spirit.
4. crab tunneling
Sit with your hands behind your body, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Leaning on your arms and legs, lift your pelvis and move in this way.
5. Bunny jumping
Put your hands behind your head and lower yourself into a deep squat. Jump from a squat to move around the room.
6. Worm
Stand up straight, bend over and walk your hands across the floor until it stops lying down. In the same way, return back to the standing position and repeat.
7. Superman
Lie on the mat on your stomach, straighten and connect your legs, stretch your arms above your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time as high as you can. Hold the pose for one second, lower yourself back down to the mat, and repeat.
8. Turn jumps
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands can be put on the belt or folded in front of the chest. Jump with a turn to the right by 180 °. Go back, repeat the same on the other side and start over.
9. "Scissors" lying on the back
Lie on your back, put your hands under your hips and check that your lower back is pressed against the floor. Raise your straight legs up and move them in a small range.
10. half-burpee
Stand up straight, bend over and place your hands on the floor. With a jump, go to point-blank range. Bring your legs to your arms and straighten up. Repeat first.
How to do a hitch
This part will take about two minutes, will help to calm the breathing and heartbeat, stretch the muscles and pump up a little sense of balance.
1. Tilts with access to toes
Stand up, straighten your legs. Bend over and touch the floor with your hands, then straighten up, raising your arms through your sides and stretch, going out on your toes. Repeat the exercise three times.
2. Tree pose on one leg
Stand straight, lift one leg and place the foot on the inside of the thigh above the knee. Raise your arms out to your sides and join your palms above your head. Hold the position for 15 seconds, trying to turn the knee of the raised leg to the side. Repeat on the other side.
3. cat-cow
Get on all fours. First arch your back, and then arch it like an angry cat. Repeat the exercise three times.
5. Up and down dog
Place your palms on the floor, lift your pelvis towards the ceiling, and stand so that your body resembles an inverted V. Then lower your pelvis and legs to the floor, straighten your arms, lift your chest and stretch your crown to the ceiling. Repeat the exercise three times.
Are your kids exercising? Tell in the comments!
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