10 items are not in your new year resolution
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The beginning of the new year - it's time for new year resolutions. To-do lists, and goals for the coming year. But by the time of publication of this post, you must have already set up their own new year resolution. And it's time to supplement or correct the list. HL offers a list of those cases, the objectives and guidelines, which you may not have in your list. But many of them just need to be there!
1. Do not waste yourself in vain
Stop wasting himself on the little things and try to please everyone. Understand yourself and say a firm "no" to some things, people and activities that do not make you better, but only spoil and spend your time. Say "yes" to those classes for which you can usefully spend their energy. Complete your list a promise not to spend themselves in vain.
2. Spend time
New year resolutions usually contain those things, activities and goals that make us better, smarter and stronger. But if you strictly follow all targets and installations, you will find that your calendar simply packed with all sorts of activities. Record yourself: free up some time for idleness. Seriously!
Free up some time to ensure that does not engage. Free yourself from all the goods that you have charged themselves. At least sometimes let myself look series, video games, just sleep a little bit more than usual. You instantly feel better.
3. Eat more chocolate
Show me someone who does not like chocolate! No, there is a small handful of people who do not understand the true taste of chocolate. It's clear not all like coffee. Record yourself: eat more chocolate. But we are not talking about the horrible tiles from the supermarket filled with preservatives and other pleasures of life. And the present, dark chocolate, which still can not eat very much, because it is expensive. Natural chocolate is much more useful than it seems.
4. Write more letters
The art of writing is gradually dying under the pressure of social media and technology. But the letter - a great way to make sense of their lives and to show care. Record yourself: write more letters. Highlight at least one hour per month for letters to those who are important to you. We are talking about paper letters. Composing a letter, not a message on a social network, you will learn how to compress the events of his life in a couple of paragraphs, learn how warm and true art to share his thoughts on paper. In the end, not so much is needed for paper mail: envelopes, stamps, paper and pencil.
5. Learn a new language
This, of course, a complex item in the list. But no one says you have to babble like a native speaker. Language learning helps to take your mind to new horizons and, moreover, to prevent troubles such as Alzheimer's disease. Foreign-language books can be a real discovery and a storehouse of expertise. Among other things, you will begin to better understand the culture of the people whose language you are learning.
6. listen to the silence
Meditation - is not for everyone, especially at first. So just allot a few minutes a day on it, to sit in silence, doing absolutely nothing. Just being aware of the movement of his mind. At this time, you can come with new ideas. At least you will get a discharge and switching. And it is also good.
7. Let the chaos in their lives
What percentage of our plans actually put into practice? In fact, this percentage is very low. So why not admit to yourself that you can not perfectly follow the plan? And let into your life a little bit, just a little confusion. I assure you, your life will be much easier when you're a little strangle you perfectionism.
8. less complaining
Oh, this is one of the most difficult items on the list. We love to complain and often do not even notice that complain. Quit complaining - harder than quitting smoking, though, because what we see when we smoke. Complaints we do not always see. The less you complain, the more gratitude for you free. And, therefore, in your life there is more room for happiness.
9. Walk more
We all know that to walk - good for ourselves and for the environment. But but always do it. Meanwhile, it is a very easy way to slightly improve their health. This is a great way to learn something new and, in the end, switching between activities. Record yourself to walk. And practice, it is simple and very useful.
10. be alive
In fact, you should not blame yourself if you do not complete all the items your new year resolution. When perfectionism prevents you live, just think about the most important gift of the universe. On the possibility of being alive. Make your life better - it is right, but sometimes you just feel alive and enjoy it.