6 unusual ways to deal with stress
Miscellaneous / / April 05, 2023
Try them if meditation and chamomile tea don't work anymore.
1. Carry gum with you
Chewing gum alone, of course, will not solve the problem of chronic stress. However, it can slightly reduce its harmful effects. Three factors underlie this effect.
- The chewing gum is distracting. Research showthat the monotonous movement of the jaws switches a person’s attention from difficult thoughts or unpleasant situations like a stuffy traffic jam. In general, any food will do here, not just chewing gum. But chronic stress raises appetite, so if you “seize” it with real food all the time, you may encounter overeating. To avoid this just allow the usual chewing gum without sugar.
- It can lower cortisol levels. Stress is caused by the hormone cortisol. It, in turn, increases the level of glucose in the body, which makes us more energetic. With chronic stress, the hormone continues to be produced in small quantities, even when everything is calm around, and with it glucose. So stress is one of the factors in the development of diabetes. Gum may lower the level of cortisol in saliva, and hence glucose. So, it will be easier for a person to achieve a sense of balance. True, in this case it is desirable to choose a product without sugar.
- Promotes the production of serotonin. Prolonged rhythmic chewing raises in the brain, the amount of 5‑HTP (5‑hydroxytryptophan) is a substance without which the synthesis of serotonin is impossible. And he, in turn, is just responsible for the feeling of happiness. Scientists do not yet fully understand this mechanism, but there are research, which reveal a direct connection between processes.
2. Take up painting, singing or dancing
Fight stress helps any art, whether it be drawing, music, dance or theater. Art therapy is used by psychologists when working with people who have experienced severe emotional upheavals - a serious illness, loss of loved ones, natural disasters. It does not matter at what level the creative abilities of a person are.
For example, painting able to reduce cortisol level - for this it is enough to give this lesson 45 minutes a day. In addition, it distracts from sad thoughts. Listening to music is associated with the normalization of heartbeat and blood pressure, which also falls cortisol levels and getting better dream. And dancing, for example, increase the level of endorphins in the body. However, any physical activity is suitable for this.
If you don’t have time to enroll in a theater or dance studio yet, you can start with coloring pages for adults - they are also able to lower anxiety level. And if there are none at hand, just look at the finished fractal paintings. By some dataand this practice can help in dealing with stress.
3. play around
Any format is suitable - desktop, quizzes, quests, video games. The secret of the method is not only in distraction, but also in social interaction. Hanging out with friends and laughing usually improves your mood too. According to research, regular games on a console or smartphone work even better than dedicated relaxation and stress relief apps. This is because they teach new skills, help to relax, distract from problems and return a sense of self-control.
The genre of the game doesn't matter. For example, according to research VK Play platforms, 55% of Russians choose the game as an anti-stress practice. Of these, 27% prefer strategy games, 21% prefer puzzle games, 20% prefer simulation games, and 10% each prefer sports and action games. In the same study, a third of Russians called video games an integral part of social life. 30% admitted that the activity makes them feel like part of a team, and 17% said that they can show leadership qualities in video games.
4. Distract with strong sensations
Had a hard day at work or saw some bad news in your feed? You should not scroll for a long time in your head what happened, it is better to immediately switch to something else. Distraction - one of the main mechanisms for coping with short-term stress.
To shift the focus of attention, try to experience some unusual and vivid sensation. For example, eat a slice of lemon, take a bite of a hot pepper, hold an ice cube in your hands, listen to loud music or watch funny videos. This will divert the attention of the brain from internal problems to the senses.
5. Engage in progressive muscle relaxation
During stress, muscles tense up. In case of danger, this mechanism protects people from injury and pain, but if the condition persists for a long time, it can lead to spasms. Targeted work with muscles will reduce the effect. And it's not just fitness, yoga and jogging in the morning. Can try progressive muscle relaxation technique.
Its meaning is consistent tension and relaxation of muscles. Exercises are advised to be done in groups in the following order: forehead, jaws, neck and shoulders (they need to be pressed to the ears), arms (they are clenched into fists), buttocks and thighs, feet and calves. You can practice lying down or leaning back in a chair.
You can also move in the opposite direction - from the legs to the head. You need to strain a part of the body while inhaling for 15 seconds, and relax while exhaling, counting up to 30. The process should go smoothly and without sudden drops. And breathing is to remain even and calm, especially during jaw muscle tension: exercises do not imply its delay.
6. Practice controlled breathing
This natural process not only saturates the body with oxygen, but also helps regulate emotions. For example, when frightened or surprised, a person reflexively takes a sharp breath, and, say, after a quarrel, a deep breath. In the first case, the body comes into a state of combat readiness, and in the second, it releases the accumulated stress. The same mechanism underlies two other natural responses of a person to a traumatic experience - screaming and crying. During them, we exhale more and after that we feel a little better.
With chronic stress, breathing becomes rapid and shallow. This stimulates the production of cortisol. Therefore, breathing practices with special attention to exhalation can help transition the body from stressful activity to relaxation. To do this, you can use the following techniques.
- Breathing equally.Breathe incounting to four, then pause and exhale for the same count. You need to breathe through your nose. Exercise is recommended to be done within five minutes. Over time, you can lengthen the intervals, for example, up to six, the main thing is that all three stages (inhale, pause, exhale) should be of equal duration.
- Breathing 4-7-8.Breathe in through the nose, counting to four. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Next, exhale to a count of eight through pursed lips, making a whistling sound. Repeat the exercise four times.
Both exercises should be performed in a relaxed position, lying down or leaning back in a chair. These methods can help in any stressful situations - for example, on an airplane, if you are afraid of flying, or in an exam.