Do I need to cauterize cervical erosion
Miscellaneous / / April 04, 2023
Cervical erosion is not at all what it seems.
What is cervical erosion
In a narrow sense, cervical erosion is a defect on the surface of the uterine mucosa. Otherwise, we can say that this is damage, a wound due to mechanical trauma, burns, infection or some kind of disease. Such erosion does not appear on its own. Therefore, there is no such diagnosis, and this is rare.
Ectopia of the cylindrical epithelium of the cervix is much more often called erosion, and this is already a diagnosis. We will talk about him.
Ectopia, or pseudo-erosion, is a red abrasion-like area around the entrance to the neck, which should have been inside the cervical canal, but turned out to be on the surface.
outside of the cervix located stratified non-keratinized epithelium, as in the mouth, and inside - a cylindrical epithelium similar to the intestinal wall. The ectopia is red, not because the mucosa is damaged, but because in this area there is only one layer of cells and the blood vessels underneath it are visible.
Ectopia of the cervix is a very common condition, countsthat 17-50% of women have it. Therefore, it can be considered as a variant of the norm.
Why does cervical ectopia appear?
Previously it was thought that ectopia appeared due to trauma during sex, early onset of sexual activity and sexually transmitted infections, but it turned out, it is not so. Some women are initially born with such anatomy, while for the rest it appears in some periods of life.
The cervix is very sensitive to female sex hormones - estrogen. Under the action of hormones, the cells begin to divide, they become larger and the neck, as it were, turns out a little. So the inside is a little visible when viewed.
Who is most likely to get cervical erosion?
Because ectopia tied with an excess of estrogen, most often it occurs in:
- teenagers;
- pregnant women;
- taking combined oral contraceptives;
- women during ovulation.
What are the symptoms of cervical ectopia
Usually women do not feel erosion of the cervix and learn about it only during the examination by a gynecologist. Rarely, there may be symptoms such as:
- mucous and spotting;
- pain (dyspareunia) or spotting bleeding during or after sex;
- pain and spotting bleeding during or after a gynecological examination;
- light bleeding between periods;
- pain in the pelvis;
- recurrent inflammation of the cervix;
- backache;
- pain when urinating.
What is the danger of cervical erosion
This is a harmless condition that does not represent danger. If symptoms appear, then you need to see a doctor, but most likely they arose because of something else.
How is ectopia of the cervix diagnosed?
Since most often erosion does not manifest itself in any way, about it get to know at the gynecologist's office. The doctor sees a red rim around the entrance to the neck. Ectopia can look the same as inflammation or early stages of cervical cancer, so more research is needed:
- smear on flora;
- research on gonococci and chlamydia;
- Papanicolaou smear (PAP‑test) for altered or cancerous cells;
- colposcopy - examination with a special optical instrument;
- biopsy - examination of a piece of tissue under a microscope.
What to do if you have cervical ectopia
Ectopia is a benign condition, so you can usually do nothing. If symptoms bother you, you should be tested to rule out other causes. Your gynecologist will then be able to suggest treatment. In other cases, like all other women, you need do Pap smear at least every three years, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
Do I need to cauterize cervical erosion
Just like that, it is impossible to cauterize the erosion of the cervix. It does not make sense, the very presence of cells does not indicate disease, they are healthy, so there is no need to interfere. If it is removed prematurely, it will not affect the growth of potentially malignant cells inside, only make it difficult diagnostics.
In rare cases, ectopia is needed delete - for example, if the symptoms are very disturbing, and other causes have already been ruled out. Then the foci will be removed by cauterization with a coagulator, freezing liquid nitrogen or destroyed with a chemical such as silver nitrate.
What can be offered instead of cauterization of cervical erosion
Unfortunately, some doctors are still very fond of treating cervical ectopia. In this case, antiviral, immunostimulants and other drugs are used. Such schemes are not included in official recommendations and do not apply to evidence-based medicine. If your doctor advises you to treat an uncomplicated ectopia conservatively, try to see another gynecologist for at least a second opinion.
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