How to properly collect and store urine and feces for analysis
Miscellaneous / / April 04, 2023
The accuracy of the results depends on your actions.
Where to collect material for analysis
Both feces and urine should be collected in a clean, dry container with a screw cap. You can use a glass jar, such as baby food. Before analysis, it must be thoroughly washed and dried.
But it is better that it is a special container from the pharmacy, because it is cleaner. It does not need to be opened in advance, so as not to accidentally stain or bring excess bacteria on your hands and reduce the accuracy of the test result.
On the container you need to write your data and the date of collection of the material.
How to collect feces for analysis
For this need:
- container for analysis;
- unnecessary tray or cling film;
- spatula or spoon.
1. Urinate before a bowel movement
This is to prevent urine from entering the sample.
2. Prepare a container from which you will collect feces
The analysis should be free of foreign matter, such as toilet water. Therefore, it is best to place toilet or a pot of some kind, or pull a cling film over the rim so that the feces only get on a clean surface.
3. Collect material
The pharmacy jar comes with a spoon, but you can also use any clean disposable spoon or spatula. The volume of material is about the size of a walnut, or a third of a special container. The lid must be screwed on tightly.
4. clean up after yourself
Everything that was used for the procedure (additional containers or film, spoon or spatula) must be collected in a plastic bag, tied and discarded. Then carefully Wash the hands with soap.
How to collect urine for analysis
Easier to collect urine need only jar for analysis.
1. Clean your genitals
To to avoid microbes from the vagina or penis, you need to clean the genitals before collecting the analysis. Can wash up water or wipe with wet wipes the labia and urethra in women or the head and foreskin in men.
2. wash your hands
So that germs from your hands do not get into the container, lather them and rinse.
3. Collect urine
To make urine cleaner, you should collect its average portion. This means you start urinating into the toilet, stop the flow, continue into the prepared container, stop again, and end up in the toilet. The jar must be held so that it does not touch the genitals.
Close container tightly.
4. wash your hands
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after urination.
How to properly store material for analysis
It is clear that, ideally, samples should be sent to the laboratory immediately. But if this is not possible, you need to properly store the container so that the accuracy of the analysis does not decrease.
How to store feces for analysis
Bacteria can multiply in the sample, so their level will not be the same as in digestive tract. To feces approached for research, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time. Time will vary for each specific assay because microorganisms have different environmental requirements. Check with your doctor in advance how many hours you have.
Before removing the jar, place it in a sealed plastic bag.
How to store urine for analysis
If it is not possible to transfer urine to the laboratory within the next hour, then here it is necessary storage in a refrigerator. Otherwise, bacteria will multiply inside the container, and the results will not be accurate.
The container of urine should also be wrapped in a bag before being refrigerated for no more than 24 hours.
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