30+ keyboard shortcuts that will increase your productivity when working with Mac
Tips Makradar / / December 19, 2019
Shortcuts occupy an important place among the ways to speed up interaction with the computer. Thanks to them, we get access to the desired function almost immediately, instead of a long walk through the menu and hit them with the mouse. Therefore hotkeys are equally useful for both novice and experienced users. On the pages of MakRadara, we have repeatedly raised the topic of hot keys. In this article I will discuss with modifier keys that cover a variety of areas of application and the direct input of popular special characters.
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Note. What sways enter special characters, some of them must be entered in English layout as in Russian - it will be completely different characters.
mathematical symbols
For pupils, students, researchers, and in general all those who have often tinkering with equations and mathematical symbols on their Macs - very useful to know how to enter them directly from the keyboard, without resorting to bank characters or substituting them look (like m3 or <1). Entering characters directly from the keyboard is quite comfortable thing, which is great time saver.
1. Inequality sign ≠
To insert a mathematical symbol ≠ Hit ⌥=.
2. Plus-minus sign ±
To enter sign ± - Hit ⇧⌥= (Eng. layout) or ⇧⌥§ (Russian).
3. Infinity sign ∞
If you need to put the symbol ∞ - click ⌥5 (Eng. layout).
4. Ellipsis ...
To insert an ellipsis, it is not necessary to put three points - just click ⌥; (Eng. layout).
5. Division sign ÷
To obtain the symbol ÷ - click ⌥/ (Eng. layout).
6. The sign "is greater than or equal to» ≥
To insert a "greater than or equal" to press ⌥>.
7. The sign "is less than or equal to» ≤
To get the opposite symbol ≤ - click ⌥<.
8. Sign Pi π
Often in the equations and rasetah found the number π, if you need to enter it - click ⌥P (Eng. layout).
Work with screenshots
For me, the screenshots are part of the work I am doing them over and over every day. But I'm sure that sometimes you have to do them, to share with friends, explain something or for any other reason. On the keyboard, the Mac is no special button for taking screenshots in Windows, but there are many convenient shortcuts!
9. A screenshot of the entire screen
To take a snapshot of the entire screen - click ⌘⇧3. Screenshot is automatically saved to the desktop.
10. Screenshot of the screen area
In this case, click ⌘⇧4 and hold the keys select the desired area of the screen.
11. Screenshot specific window
Sometimes you need to take a screenshot of a single window for this Hit ⌘⇧4 followed by a space and do click. (After pressing the space bar, you can navigate between windows to select the desired).
12. Copy the screenshot to the clipboard
All screenshots are automatically saved to the desktop, but if you are sensitive to order it and to prevent cluttering up - just add to the above key kombminatsiyam ⌃. I.e, ⌘⇧4⌃ Take a screenshot of a selected window and copies it to the clipboard.
Entering special characters
Using the keyboard, you can enter not only the characters marked on the keys, but a lot of other useful symbols tied to a specific key. Here are some popular characters that can be useful to you.
13. Trademark ™
If you need to enter the symbol ™ is a trademark - click ⌥2.
14. Registered Trademark ®
To enter the registered trademark - click ⌥R.
15. copyright ©
Hit ⌥G, to obtain a copyright symbol.
16. Euro currency symbol €
To enter click the euro symbol ⌥⇧2.
17. • an element bullet
Quickly create a neat bulleted list by clicking ⌥8 at each of its line.
18. paragraph symbol ¶
If you need to specify the paragraph symbol press ⌥7.
19. Dugger (symbol footnotes) †
press ⌥T for inserting symbol denoting footnote.
20. º degrees
Hit ⌥0 to enter a degree.
21. The Greek letter delta, beta and omega ∂ ß Ω
If you need to enter the letters of the Greek alphabet ∂, ß, Ω - Hit ⌥D, ⌥S, ⌥ZRespectively.
Loading system shutdown
During boot the Mac, you can use different keys for a specific type of load. Here are some of them.
22. Showing bootable discs
Holding ⌥ at boot time, you can display all the available boot disks.
23. Booting into Safe Mode
To boot in safe mode, hold down the key ⇧.
24. Booting from an external drive
Sometimes you need to boot from an external source: USB, DVD - for that hold the key FROM.
25. recovery mode (recovery)
To boot into rescue mode, hold the combination ⌘R.
26. Booting into Single User Mode mode
Hit ⌘S in order to load in this mode.
27. Hibernation
When you press ⌘⌥⏏ your Mac goes to sleep.
28. Call menu shutdown / reboot
pressure ⌃⏏ will open a standard dialog shutdown / reboot / sleep mode.
Hotkeys for Baskets
Deleting files can be done in different ways, but the easiest way to do it using shortcuts. There is also a combination of cleaning and thorough cleaning baskets. About them further.
29. Deleting files
To delete the selected files you need to press ⌘⌫. On the large keyboard, where there is a key ⌦You can press ⌘⌦.
30. Restoring files
To restore selected files from the Recycle Bin you need to press the same combination ⌘⌫ (⌘⌦).
31. Emptying the Trash
To empty the trash click ⌘⇧⌫ in the Finder. Then you need to confirm the deletion.
32. Emptying the Trash (without confirmation)
To empty the Trash without confirmation of the removal request to press ⌘⌥⇧⌫(⌘⌥⇧⌦).
33. bonus
To insert the Apple company logo using shortcut ⌥⇧K.
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If you like to work with hot keys, rekmenduyu familiar with previous collections, which were published on MakRadare.
- 40+ keyboard shortcuts for productive work in OS X Mavericks
- 50+ useful hotkeys for productive work in Safari
As always, your comments are welcome, dear readers. Tell us about your favorite shortcuts - we are always happy to hear your opinion!