NewsSquares - stylish news reader for Chrome and Android
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Google Reader is one of the best and most popular programs to view RSS feeds. If you are actively using this service, you have long appreciated its possibilities and will certainly agree with me. However, everything, even the most good and most advanced, has the ability to eventually annoy the user, and then, as they say, begins to "look to the side." :)
The company with an interesting name Rocket-in-Bottle I caught the trend and created an application for Google Chrome browser, which uses the Google Reader features, but completely change its appearance and habitual use of the algorithm. Let's see what they have.
NewsSquares - the application of the Chrome Web Store directory and it works in the same browser. To install, you must go to this page and click Install. After that, a new browser tab will be a special label, with which you can run NewsSquares.
The application opens in a new browser tab and displays all of your subscriptions from Google Reader as squares of different sizes. In the corner of each box indicates the number of unread news and for some elements presented previews of images. When you click on one of the feeds it unfolds in the news tape along the bottom edge of the screen. Click on the name of the news content, you can open it in a popup window. All this is accompanied by a pleasant animation effects.
On the left we see the date and a digital clock and a few menu items. With their help, you can add new subscriptions mark all as read, change the subject and get into the settings. Settings and not a lot to deal with them is not difficult, the only thing you should pay attention - this option enable pop-up notification of the receipt of news, so that you are even working in another program were aware of updates.
Of course, all changes in NewsSquares immediately synchronized with Google Reader, so you can have the current status of your subscriptions at work with any computer. And there is still a version of the app for Android, so if you came to taste similar approach to the news reader, you can use it on your mobile.
NewsSquares for Google Chrome
FeedSquares for Android