What to do if a tooth is loose
Miscellaneous / / April 03, 2023
Teeth can be loose not only in children, but also in adults.
Why is the tooth loose
At 5-12 years old, teeth should be loose if they are milk teeth. But for permanent it is most often abnormal.
He is milky
Milk teeth are temporary. They must be in the mouth until the jaw has grown enough to accommodate the larger permanents. Therefore, at about 4 years old, special cells begin to work in the child, which will gradually destroy the roots. milk teeth. When the roots finally resolve, the tooth begins to stagger and soon falls out. The last dairy disappear at the age of about 12 years.
He moves during orthodontic treatment
The purpose of orthodontic treatment is to restore the correct dentition. Very often this requires move tooth, for example, with braces. Therefore, especially at the very beginning or after the replacement of the archwire, the teeth may be slightly loose. This is normal, they will not fall out, because they are tightly attached to the jaw with ligaments.
Due to injury
Tooth Maybe to stagger with a bruise, dislocation, fracture.
A bruise is a closed injury in which the tooth remains intact and in its place, but may hurt a little and stagger.
A dislocation is an injury to blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments that hold back tooth. Because of this, he either shifts, or even falls out of his hole. Usually, with a dislocation, a metallic taste appears in the mouth, the gums bleed, and if the tooth remains in place, it hurts a lot and makes a metallic sound when tapped on it.
At a fracture Maybe a crack appears, a piece may break off from the tooth or the crown will separate from the roots. At the same time, the gum swells, there may also be blood, and the tooth will hurt very much. Sometimes it seems to be driven into the jaw, and sometimes it falls out partially or completely.
Due to gum disease
This is the most common reason adults lose teeth. Disease starts with inflammation of the gums - gingivitis. It often develops due to poor hygiene and local circulatory disorders, such as smoking or diabetes. If left untreated, the soft tissues that hold the tooth in the socket will become involved. This condition is called periodontitis. In severe cases, the ligaments and the bone underneath will collapse, and the teeth will loosen and fall out.
What to do if the tooth is loose
If a milk tooth staggers, which is already time fall out, you don't need to do anything. You can not touch it or additionally swing it with clean hands, and then turn it a little in the hole. If it does not work out, most likely, he is not ready yet, and you should not rush. You can also offer your child an apple or a carrot - solid healthy food also helps the teeth to change faster.
If permanent teeth are loose and you are not treated by an orthodontist, need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance that it will be successful.
What to do if a tooth falls out
Even if a permanent tooth falls out, it Can try to save. For this:
- take it and hold it only by the crown, in no case do not touch the root;
- if it is dirty, lick it or rinse it with cold water for a maximum of 10 seconds;
- try to insert it back into the gum;
- bite down on a clean cloth to hold it in place.
If the tooth has not entered the gum, it must be put:
- into milk;
- into saliva - place in a container and spit there (remember that saliva must be the owner of the tooth, so if a child has a tooth, then he should spit);
- on the cheek (do not allow children to do this, they can swallow the tooth).
Once you have verified that the tooth is safe, contact your dentist as soon as possible. dentist. It is desirable that from the moment of injury passed no more than two hours.
If the tooth is milk, in no case do not insert it back. If you are in doubt whether it is milk or permanent, put the tooth in saliva or milk and go to the dentist - he will determine for sure.
What will the doctor do
Dentist Maybe offer different treatments.
Sometimes, if the tooth is loose, for example, due to a bruise or partial dislocation, it is enough not to load the tooth and regularly check its condition with the dentist. If the tooth is still in the socket, but swaying due to periodontitis, then a deep cleaning, antibiotics and gum surgery will be needed.
If a tooth fell out for some reason, but was able to be put back in, the dentist will fix it with a special splint so that it stays in place while it heals.
If it was not possible to save the tooth, then surgical implants will come to the rescue when the wound heals and the gum and bone heal.
How to prevent permanent teeth from falling out
To prevent loose teeth, periodontitis and trauma should be avoided. For this required:
- Thoroughly brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes, use irrigator And dental flossi.e. maintain good oral hygiene.
- Do not chew on ice, nut shells and other very hard foods.
- Wear a mouth guard while playing contact sports or while sleeping if you grind your teeth.
- Use a seat belt in the car.
- Wear a helmet while cycling, snowboarding, mopeding and certain sports.
- Go to the dentist regularly for preventive check-ups.
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