Best productivity articles in 2022 on Lifehacker
Miscellaneous / / April 03, 2023
We increase personal “average speed”, get out of temporary poverty and turn routine into a game.
What is personal “average speed” and how does it affect our lives
To succeed in any field, it is not at all necessary to make maximum efforts and arrange a race to the bottom. So says productivity expert, author bestseller Atomic Habits by James Clear. In this article, he talks about the concept of "medium speed" and how to get impressive results with small but consistent actions.
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18 apps to help you turn your routine into a game
Gamification helps you look at the usual daily activities in a different way, such as sorting garbage or brushing your teeth. After all, when you have a special mission, and at the end there is a reward, even the most boring activity becomes much more enjoyable.
In this article, we have collected applications with game elements that help you develop good habits, streamline your life and become more productive. Lose weight while running from zombies, meditate while planting trees, or write down expenses to build a city - no matter what your goal is, you are unlikely to get bored.
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As a rule 1-3-5 helps to plan your life competently
Planning is one of the pillars of personal productivity. In this article, we talk about a very simple universal method that is ideal for making plans for the day, week, month, or even several years ahead.
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How to deal with procrastination caused by anxiety
Many of us, for one reason or another, at least once put off important things until the last moment. But often the reason is not laziness at all. We are hindered by the anxiety that seizes us as soon as the thought comes to mind about how much we need to do, and we can’t even figure out where to start.
In this article, we provide five ways to help get rid of the oppressive feeling and switch to a productive mode.
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How to recognize compassion fatigue in yourself and get rid of it
Showing compassion and helping others is wonderful. However, constant worries about friends and loved ones negatively affect us and our lives. We "pay" with our inner energy for treating other people's troubles as our own, or throwing all our strength into supporting those in need of help.
Find out what signs indicate compassionate fatigue and what to do to remain an empathetic person without harming your emotional state in this article.
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6 traps that steal time
Temporary poverty is a serious problem that many are not even aware of. Those who experience it are less happy and productive, and also experience much more stress. And all because of several traps that interfere with proper time management and quietly steal precious hours and minutes.
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5 Ways to Clear Your Mind and Become Productive Again
Have you been having a hard time keeping your attention, making decisions, and remembering new things lately? Or maybe you keep losing your keys, forgetting appointments, or leaving the bathroom light on? Perhaps the whole point is that we are constantly in the "On" mode. and regularly experience stress and fatigue from information overload. If unbearable fog in your head does not allow you to focus on important matters and ruins your life, try applying the tactics from our material.
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9 simple daily actions to help you become more organized
What does it mean to be more organized? It is possible to clearly understand where the necessary things lie. Or beat the habit of being constantly late. Or to find an inner sense of readiness for any development of events when you yourself control your day.
Thinking about how to be an organized person is much easier than actually becoming one. In this article, we list actions and habits that are easy to implement into your life and start the path to excellence.
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50 little habits that super productive people practice every day
Many people overestimate how many tasks they can accomplish in 8 hours and underestimate how much they can accomplish in just one morning. A huge percentage of what we do every day depends on our habits. And just a few simple changes in your daily routine can guarantee the desired result.
Do not make decisions in the morning, limit the number of tasks to five per day, experiment with different systems Productivity—These and other habits on our list help take your personal efficiency to the next level.
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What is the 2 Minute Rule and How It Helps You Become Productive
Letting go of procrastination and replacing it with healthy habits is harder than it looks. Therefore, at the very beginning, any new habit should be as easy as possible. This is the idea behind the simple yet very effective 2-minute rule. What it is, how to reduce any action to a two-minute version, and why it's a great way not only increase productivity, but also acquire a new personality - we answer all questions in our material.
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