What is zugzwang and what to do if you find yourself in it
Miscellaneous / / April 03, 2023
You can get into a situation of this kind not only while playing checkers or chess.
What is the essence of zugzwang
Zugzwang in chess or checkers called the position of the pieces on the board, in which any next move by the player leads to a deterioration in his position. The term comes from the German words Zug - move and Zwang - coercion.
In Game distinguish several types of zugzwang, for example, mutual, when both opponents are in a difficult position, or positional, when the conditions for the player worsen, but he does not lose a piece. Sometimes they also talk about an imaginary zugzwang, when one of the party members resigned himself to the inevitable development of events in advance, surrendered and is waiting for it.
But the term "zugzwang" is used not only in a professional environment. In ordinary life, this word describes various situations when we find ourselves face to face with external difficulties and we do not see a single way out that would not lead to the worst scenario.
For example, partners who fell out of love with each other, but keep the family and continue to raise children, could get a divorce. But this is a serious step, which will be followed by a difficult conversation with child, division of property and other unpleasant chores. Therefore, none of the spouses decides on cardinal changes, and they find themselves in mutual zugzwang.
The situation when you are demoted up the career ladder, even if you do not lose much in money, can be called positional zugzwang, and when you are sure in advance that you will not get a promotion and do not even try to fight for it, - imaginary.
Of course, zugzwang in the game and in life is very different. In the game he usually arises at the very end of the game, and after it it ends. And if you hit a dead end in life, it goes on. At the same time, finding a way out of personal zugzwang is much more difficult. In chess, everything is built on rational decisions, while in life we involuntarily connect emotions, and they do not always allow us to think rationally.
What to do if you find yourself in zugzwang
When any action is dangerous and leads to a worse situation, the best strategy is to pause and wait.
Olesya Zaiko
Psychologist, content tutor.
It's like with a fishing net: if you get tangled, no sudden movements are needed. You can set a deadline when you skip a turn, but collect the necessary information or stick to a temporary compromise solution.
When it's time to make a choice, try to listen to your body. You can stay in silence and silence, freeze in stillness or, conversely, take a walk. Try to feel how different solutions respond in the body: how the breath changes, what sensations in the muscles, whether it is warm or cold inside. And ask yourself how it would be easier and easier for you.
It is important to make sure that you are dealing with real zugzwang. Make a list of all possible moves and consider whether any action will actually make things worse for you. Perhaps you are just so afraid of getting into a dead end that give up in advance.
If the zugzwang is real, try to find people who have already been through a similar life situation. It can be your acquaintances and friends or users on Internet forums who share their stories. It is possible that the experience of others will tell you an acceptable way out of the impasse.
If zugzwang is imaginary, pay attention to your emotions. To overcome the state of anxiety and fear and take control of your life again, the psychologist advises taking the following steps:
- Name your feeling, such as depression, sadness, or disappointment. When you give a name to your emotions, you accept them.
- Help yourself by turning to the body. Give him what he wants - move, breathe, stroke yourself, curl up in a ball, keep warm or eat.
- Support yourself mentally. Here everyone has their own path. You can meditate, say words of support to yourself out loud, turn on your “inner advocate” and discuss with your fears, just sit in silence.
- Take a break. For example, arrange a spring cleaning or read. This will give you a chance to rest before moving on to making difficult decisions again.
- Talk to loved ones, especially those who always sincerely support you. But with people who are used to receiving and not giving, it is better not to communicate temporarily.
Olesya Zaiko
Psychologist, content tutor.
The most important thing is to remind yourself that the rickety bridge you are crossing right now is only part of the road. Ahead there will be smooth tracks, paths, and sidewalks - those places where you can take a breath.
In addition, it is worth remembering that “taking a temporary pause” does not mean at all “relaxing and letting everything take its course”. Zugzwang in life teaches to be flexible and change decisions when things don't go according to plan. Regularly analyze the current situation and check if a favorable outcome of events has appeared on the horizon. Once you find an option that allows you to move forward without loss, it's time to act.
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