This week, instead of the usual digest, we share articles that will come in handy in difficult times.
How to deal with emotions
First you need to pull yourself together and overcome the growing anxiety. Wrote about three simple and fast ways get rid of the discomfort.
Now the thought may sit in my head that everything will be bad and will never get better. This reaction is built into our biology, but catastrophic thinking is detrimental to mental health and only exacerbates the pain. How to control this cognitive distortion, read in our article.
Fear of the unknown exacerbates the emotional state, so it is important to understand how to overcome anxiety. Collected eight trickswho can help. And to stop the endless stream of frightening thoughts, follow the simple tips from this material.
Strong emotions are difficult to deal with alone. If you feel that you need professional help, contact free psychological support services. We found 11 verified online resourceswhere trained professionals work.
Found outwhat to do if you are stopped by the police. And wrote instruction for those who want to help a loved one who finds himself in such a situation.
If the problem is serious and there is no way to hire a lawyer, contact human rights organizations. They will advise on various issues, help to draw up complaints and statements and achieve justice. Here list organizations where you can get free legal support.
In order to avoid trouble with the law, try to protect yourself as much as possible. Protect your smartphone and laptop in advance in case the gadgets fall into the wrong hands. We explain, how to do it.
We hope that article about how to give first aid, you will never need. But these basic rules can save lives, so we advise everyone to carefully study them.
How to leave the country
If you have made the difficult decision to leave the country, first check if your passport is valid. For those who did not have time to issue a document, we have prepared instruction. It will help you go through the procedure through the "Gosuslugi", MFC and not only.
The next step is choosing a direction. You can check where you can now leave Russia in this list.
Demand for tickets in the coming days may be high. In order not to overpay, use special sites and applications to find great deals. Gathered convenient online services for purchase railway And air tickets.
During a hasty departure, there is a high probability of stuffing your suitcase with all sorts of nonsense, but forgetting about the most important thing. To prevent this from happening, keep our check list. With it, you will not miss anything and take with you only the things you need.
And finally detailed guide for those who decided to move to Kazakhstan. Find out how to get into the country, what documents to prepare, where to find housing and work.
That's all for today. Take care of yourself and loved ones!
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