How to drink so that there is no hangover
Miscellaneous / / April 03, 2023
There is only one effective way to avoid a hangover - do not drink. If this simple path is not for you, consider more complex ones.
Eat datathat about 23% of people are not familiar with a hangover, regardless of how much they drink. However, if you are reading this article, you are unlikely to be one of them.
How much to drink so that there is no hangover
How a person will feel after drinking depends on many factors. Therefore, there is no definite answer to this question. However, there is an average. Yes, the experts lead rather strict norms for drinking alcohol, which allow you to avoid alcohol intoxication (and related health risks as well). Here they are:
- no more than one drink per day for women;
- no more than two drinks per day for men.
An important note: this is not an average amount calculated over several days, but the maximum dose that you can drink during the day.
Under one drink (one standard drink) implied approximately:
- 350 ml of beer, which contains about 5% alcohol;
- 100 ml fortified guilt;
- 150 ml of dry wine;
- 45 ml of vodka, cognac, whiskey or other drink with a strength of 40 degrees.
The rule is simple: do not exceed this dose - and there will be no hangover. And if you still decide to take a chance and go overboard, do it within reasonable limits, based on our advice.
Keep in mind that the total 45 (for men - 90) ml of vodka that you consumed in the form of a couple of cocktails with non-alcoholic components is also one standard drink. So you can safely drink for hours, sipping a drink through a straw.
Take notešŗ
- Why it is impossible to mix vodka with beer and what will happen if this happens
What not to drink to avoid a hangover
The active substance of alcohol is ethanol. But, in addition to it, alcoholic beverages also contain impurities - the so-called congeners. These are related substances that are formed or added during the production of alcohol. To them, in particular, relate methanol, isopentanol and acetone.
Eat datathat the intensity of a hangover is directly related to the number of congeners.
Here are drinks with their high content:
- whiskey (especially bourbon);
- cognac;
- tequila.
If you have a choice, try to drink something else. Otherwise, you risk suffering a hangover.
- How to sober up fast
What can you drink to avoid a hangover
Strong drinks have also been identified, which (normally) contain very few congeners. This:
- vodka;
- rum;
- gin.
However, it is important to make a remark here. We are talking about high-quality alcohol, made with strict observance of production standards.
If you are choosing between vodka of unknown origin and tequila, the quality of which you have no doubts, it is better to prefer the second option. For one simple reason: it is not known what impurities and in what quantity are contained in burnt vodka. Perhaps the congeners in tequila will seem like a trifle to you in the end.
- How to distinguish real alcohol from a fake
How to drink so that there is no hangover
These recommendations will, if not completely avoid, then at least significantly reduce the severity of a hangover.
1. Consider your own weight
Body weight determines the volume of blood. After drinking the same amount of alcohol, two people weighing 65 kg and 120 kg will feel fundamentally different, since the concentration of ethanol in their blood will be different.
2. Take your time
The human liver neutralizes alcohol at a rate of approximately 8 grams of pure alcohol per hour. This is an average value: someone's liver is able to cope with 10 grams, and someone starts to choke already at 6.
But in any case, the consequences of a couple of glasses drunk one after another in one gulp will be harder than if you sipped the same amount of drink for 3-4 hours in small sips.
3. Have a snack
The more food in the stomach, especially fatty, the slower alcohol is absorbed into the blood.
If the snack is not very good, 20-30 minutes before the planned celebration, take sorbents - for example, several tablets of activated charcoal. They will absorb some of the alcohol and harmful substances contained in alcohol, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.
4. Quench your thirst with soft drinks
Best of all with water. Normal, non-carbonated. Part of the symptoms of a hangover - dizziness, headache, pain in the eyes, dryness and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth - are associated with dehydration: ethanol has a strong diuretic effect. The more actively you drink alcohol with water (create a supply of moisture in the body), the easier it will be for you in the morning.
The conclusion from all of the above: drink in moderation and choose quality drinks from trusted manufacturers. Predictable? Yes. As well as a hangover in the event that you decide to neglect these recommendations.
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