Test to perform read: how often do you use read tips
Tips / / December 19, 2019
More recently, in a conversation we raised the issue of how often use tips that swallow sometimes quite a large volume each day. And whether they use at all. And then as if on purpose I came across a very interesting post about this here self-deception. Author offers 9 questions that can help determine the level of "self-deception".
The author of this post - Celestine Chua (Celestine Chua), Founder of the School of Self, trainer and writer. The girl with a very active lifestyle, which is not only reading useful books, but rather actively using tips and displays the formula work on oneself.
These questions are so obvious that surely we ourselves asked them more than once. But when you collect them all together, then it emerges a very interesting picture, which makes you wonder.
1. You are viewing tips on self-development, but in the end nothing. Ie, you subscribe to a huge number of blogs on self-development and life hacking may even personally know of many authors, coaches and writers, but... This is your activity ends. You do not go further.
2. You like to discuss a variety of topics for self-development, but never themselves do not try. You discuss various topics with friends in chat rooms and on personal meetings, love to debate at seminars and many are commenting. But it did not try to implement tips, which reasoning. That is one big theory and no practice.
3. You read books just for the sake of the reading process. You are reading a book or positions on self-development, not only on the themes faced in their lives, but also those who have absolutely nothing to do with. And you do it just because you like to read and be grounded in theory. But to the practice, it never comes. But you can give advice.
4. For those of you reading the literature on self-development is a distraction. This item is similar to №3, but with only a small difference in emotional terms.
5. You are reading useful books, but in doing so avoid decisive action to address their issues. No matter how it sounded strange, but there are people who are thus shielded from the real solutions to problems. They think that reading the information about the decision of any problems is already in itself an action.
6. You measure their achievements by the number of books read / posts / articles per week. From this point clear. You read a lot, and you know - that's great, but we must remember that the real activity is measured only by real actions.
7. You read books on self-development for the sake of feeling emotional lift. It's more like an emotional dependence. You are viewing, head drawn bright pictures in which you are in one motion to solve all problems. But in reality nothing happens, because the time goes by, there is nothing you have not done, and emotions fade. And again you undertake for the sake of reading the new emotional recovery in the style of "Eh, move mountains!" A familiar feeling?
8. Do you use small layfakami that help solve small problems in order not to take up the great challenges. Solution of small problems is a type of procrastination. So you just pull the time and try to push as far as possible X hour to solve the most complex and important.
9. You often retvitete positions or add to your favorites with the themes of "101 Ways to improve anything," or "10 ways to solve so-and that something" without mentioning at least one method. I think my comments here will be superfluous.
After reading these seemingly obvious things, I thought again. Since I confess - a little sinful. And some have painted in my head portraits of familiar people almost by name.
What do you think? Whether these issues are (or approval) of their time spent on reading? Maybe we should print it out and hang up so that always had before his eyes?
What you're reading books on self-development and life hacking, and how often to apply this knowledge? Your answers are very important to us, because we find information and share their experiences so that it was used in practice, not pylilos somewhere on the rear shelves of your consciousness.