What is the TEA method and how it affects personal effectiveness
Miscellaneous / / September 15, 2022
The essence of this technique is to control time, energy and attention.
What is the TEA method
TEA is an acronym coined by entrepreneur and productivity podcast host Tang Pham. After studying many systems, he saw the need for a simpler holistic solution and came up with his own method, which consists of only three key components:
- time (time). It all starts with how we manage our schedule, set priorities, and invest time. It is important not only how many hours and minutes we spend on certain tasks, but also how effectively we do it. For example, a little time spent today can save us a lot of time tomorrow.
- Energy (energy). Our body and brain are tools that need "fuel". Serious work requires mental and physical energy. If there is no fuel and energy, there will be no significant progress in productivity either.
- Attention (Attention). In order to properly manage it, you need to understand your goals. Once they are identified, it remains to focus on tasks and avoid distractions.
When even one of the components of TEA is missing, our productivity drops. If we have energy and attention but no time, we
drowning in tasks. If we have enough time and attention, but not enough energy, we get tired. With an excess of time and energy and a lack of attention, we are constantly distracted. All three elements are important in order to maintain performance without sacrificing mental health.The TEA method looks attractive and viable because it is built on inherent human principles, rather than creating an artificial need for a complex productivity system.
How to use the TEA method
Invest, don't waste time
What can you do right now for a future version of yourself? The answer to this question will help you decide where to invest your time. For example, regularly scrolling through social networks or procrastinating is hardly a good solution in terms of future success. Instead, you can spend time automating boring tedious tasks, taking on an interesting project, or enrolling in a course that will increase your professional level.
However, you shouldn't go too far either. If you are suffering from worries about time, then you can become obsessed with making the most of every minute. But idleness is also an important part of personal development that needs to be invested in. It allows the brain to rest while the imagination actively comes up with new ideas and projects.
Nourish the body and brain
Nutrition, sleep patterns, and even social media content - all this can both give energy to the body and brain and deprive it. Try to cook healthy meals, do not shorten your rest hours, read educational books or articles, and keep a journal to consolidate thoughts and ideas in it.
There are many ways recharge your batteries - choose the one that suits you. It doesn't have to be productive. Sometimes we need to lie on the couch and watch a series in order to “recharge” our internal batteries and enjoy our work again.
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Anticipate distractions
If you find it difficult to maintain attention, do not worry - this is absolutely normal. Our brains are built to be distracted and constantly on the lookout for new information or potential danger. Instead of beating yourself up, start planning ahead for how you will deal with distractions.
Let's say you need to write a report for tomorrow's meeting. To do this, you will need to work continuously for several hours. What can distract you - a smartphone or a chatty colleague? Get rid of "annoyances": leave your phone in another room or in your bag, turn off notifications, hang a “do not disturb” sign on the door or warn colleagues that you are doing important work deed.
These principles may seem obvious and banal. However, in the daily bustle, we often forget about the simplest and most understandable. Therefore, before using complex systems, try the TEA method, which is based on three fundamental principles of productivity.
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