Updating the resume as a regular review of the work
Tips Work And Study / / December 19, 2019
What do you think, how often you need to update your resume? No, do not send it to potential employers and agencies, and to update the web or even a local drive. I think if you are honest, it must be done at least once in 3-4 months. Someone will approach and more frequent schedule. Why?
Simply because if you are honest, the update summary - a good excuse to analyze the previous period and to understand their strengths and weaknesses. What have you achieved since the last edit. Is there something new that you can show and be proud of?
If not - it's time to change something in their work. Change jobs - not such a good yield as long as you do not understand, and what you actually want. But making a new resume is easier to understand - you will realize what you are missing in it and where you want to turn your boat to get to his goal.
In general, any excuse for analysis - a good thing. Because update your resume, even if you did not want to change jobs. Take a look at yourself through the eyes of the employer, and just an outsider.