The spirit of adventurism and caution: scientists told how cats and dogs affect their owners
Miscellaneous / / August 26, 2022
If some need peace and confidence in the result, then others are impatient and like to take risks.
Marketers and psychologists from Kent State University in the USA heldThe Pet Exposure Effect: Exploring the Differential Impact of Dogs Versus Cats on Consumer Mindsets / Journal of Marketing a series of observations to understand how pets influence the character of their owners.
In one study, pet owners were asked to imagine that they had $2,000 to invest in one of the projects: adventurous or stable. It turned out that dog lovers are much more willing to take on risky ventures than those who prefer cats.
Another experiment confirmedthat dogs are more often associated with adventure. 225 new members were asked to view four print ads featuring a cat or dog and then decide how to distribute the same $2,000 investment. The correlation was confirmed: familiarity with dogs was more likely to lead to investing in stocks.
The statistics of COVID-19 diseases during the pandemic indirectly speak about the predisposition to risk among dog owners. It turned out that dog owners were much more likely to become infected with the coronavirus. Scientists attribute this to both a propensity for risks and the need to constantly walk a pet.
The researchers conducted another experiment. Each of the group of 283 people had to study samples of advertising for a massage parlor and remember how to communicate with their pets. Those who spent time with dogs were more likely to respond to the practical benefits of massage, such as boosting metabolism, boosting immunity, and rejuvenating effects. Psychologists note that such ads are seen as attractive by people who are looking for a quick reward.
At the same time, cat lovers paid more attention to ads for pain relief, tension reduction, and stress relief. These phrases usually attract cautious people, the psychologists noted.
Scientists have suggested that thoughts about pets cause people to have special associations associated with the temperament of animals. For example, cats are considered to be more calm and prudent, and dogs are impatient.
A close bond is formed between a person and a pet, because of which people tend to consider their four-legged wards as close friends or even family members. Not surprisingly, as time passes, owners begin to adopt the behavior of their beloved animals.
In the future, the authors of the work plan to study whether love for cats and dogs affects the attitude towards material things. things, and whether animals motivate people to take part in charitable activities and help surrounding.
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