Optimal placement of the DVR inside the car
Tips / / December 19, 2019
After selecting a DVR "flour" motorist usually does not end there. Correctly chosen registrar must also correctly placed in the car. That is, the holders, as such, does not cause problems, but the charging leads can interfere with the review. The easiest way - to mount on the dashboard, with the cable it will be close to "direct" the distance from the power source. However, most manufacturers offer holders on the windshield, because of which even minimally, but closes the review. And if a sufficiently long wire, it will simply interfere in the cabin. On the problems of the registrar of accommodation in the cabin of the cable under the skin, and other important aspects will be discussed in this material.
1. How do I put the recorder?
Improper positioning of the DVR nullifies all the benefits of its presence in the car. If the camera is pointed at the sky or on the hood, the necessary details to the attention of gadget simply will not fall - the most interesting things happen behind the scenes. Therefore, placing the recorder, make sure of three things:
1. Recorder located window center (vehicle centerline).
2. The camera is aimed directly at the road, with an eye just below the visible horizon.
3. Mounting fixed securely enough so that while driving, even on a bad road recorder has not changed position.
Speaking of bindings - even when choosing a registrar, make sure that all moving parts axle holder made of metal, not plastic. Otherwise, after a while fastening can become loose. Vibration and rattling affect the quality of the video, and in the future - threatened breakdown in the most unwanted time.
Mounting on a vacuum suction cup may be poorly operate at sub-zero temperatures. It is therefore desirable to complete attachment was fallback based 3M adhesive tape. Naturally, the glass should be cleaned and degreased before placing any type of holder.
2. How to connect the logger?
The most stimulating to study the issue of accommodation of the long cable under the skin has been selected BlackVue DR400G-HD II - extremely compact recorder that is practically invisible for the rear mirror species.
His mount is different from the popular solutions on the suction cup. Instead, there is a small rectangular area with a 3M adhesive tape at the bottom and a round bracket, which is inserted and "Bird" registrar.
Holds firmly on the eye generally does not come across if desired. Naturally, this is has to ensure that the wire is removed and somewhere "out of sight".
DR400G-HD II is equipped with a 4-meter cable for connection to a charging from the cigarette lighter. The set of four plastic hooks suggested that hold all the same 3M. Therefore, the easiest option - do not touch the skin and stretch the wire installation of hooks on the corners of the window and under the glove compartment. Plus - nothing is loose, minus - cables still visible.
Another way is the ability to power the logger from the ceiling lamp. Where you need to remove the lamp, pull from the connector and find the black "-" and the red "+" wire. Next, cut the cable and connect the recorder "fork" in accordance with the signs. However, some sellers immediately warned that in case of damage to the registrar guarantee it will not spread. So it is not confident in their abilities to users to apply this method is not recommended.
Finally, a rather time-consuming, but it is the most ideal method of performance is expressed in concealing wires under the skin. you can order this service in the workshop or, if there is even minimal skills to do it all yourself. We offer clearly see how the master coped with this problem and led wire to the cigarette lighter.
Since we have mentioned DR400G-HD II, will say a few words about this premium DVR. Price had an impressive - 12 990 rubles. However, the quality has a higher average - design and assembly is carried out not in China (as 95% sold models) and in South Korea. Warranty cases, DR400G-HD II, there are only 0.03% (compared to the average of 0.5 - 5%), and the warranty case, the DVR is not repaired, but simply changing to a new one.
No built-in screen - was abandoned intentionally, it is logical considering that today each driver have a mobile phone / smartphone, tablet or laptop on which to view the video much more convenient. Setting the same is carried out by means of a smartphone with Android. For setting, set the recorder BlackVue program with Google Play and simply insert DR400G-HD II memory card into your smartphone. The program also allows you to view and move videos and share them on YouTube. In general, management is minimized: the gadget will automatically start recording as soon as the engine starts, and automatically switches to the parking mode. In the course of all the changes in the driver's voice recorder keep alert. The fact that there is a record and set a GPS fix, signaled by two indicator lights.
Videos stored cyclically in a Full HD resolution of 1920 pixels by 1080 (without interpolation), the angle of the diagonal - 120 degrees. Resolution built-in matrix - 2 MP, moreover, DR400G-HD 2 is equipped with IR-lens of an enlightened glass, which collects light fluxes. This significantly improves the quality and color reproduction, and, most critically, significantly improves shooting at night and in bad weather. Due to image stabilization, the image is not "smeared" even at a speed of 200 km / h.
Finally, there were no such "chips", as an accelerometer and GPS. Origin sensitive to situations similar to the accident - a sharp turn, emergency braking, etc. All recorded videos in such moments are marked as files "events". The presence of GPS-receiver of the fifth generation (positioning accuracy - up to 5 meters, while even the specialized error of GPS-navigators sometimes 10-15 meters) allows you to save and speed coordinates. Subsequently, the route you can see marked on Google Maps in a special program BlackVue computer. A complete, except for a very long 4-meter cable (which we've already figured out), there is a memory card of 16 GB and a card reader.
3. What to remember user registrar?
And finally, a few things that should be remembered every user DVRs. In fact, these simple rules are no less important than the placement of competent registrar.
1. Leaving the car in the unguarded place, take with them and the Registrar, and mount
There are cases when the presence of the holder on the glass suggests intruders on the idea that expensive gadget stayed in the car and just tucked away in the glove compartment. As a result - the broken glass.
2. Set the recorder and start shooting immediately, as soon as the start moving
Even in the parking lot or in your own backyard can occur emergency or hit a pedestrian, in other words, a situation where the recorder handy.
3. Availability of battery in the recorder for battery life does not matter
In some cases, with the shooting outside the car handle ordinary smartphone or cell phone. But the back-up battery - a necessary thing, because It is it guarantees that the entry is correct maintained if the power cable is accidentally pulled out of the cigarette lighter or something happens to the battery car. It is the presence of the backup battery should pay attention to when choosing a registrar.