Scientists reveal simple way to cut down on wine at home
Miscellaneous / / August 19, 2022
The difference may be small, but on the scale of a couple of months it will definitely be noticeable.
Scientists from the universities of Cambridge and Bristol conducted a small study on the topic of drinking wine. In it, they found that those who want to drink less should use smaller glasses and bottles.
This statement they backed up results of observations involving 260 households in the UK who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol, drinking at least two bottles of wine at home each week.
Over two 14-day periods, they were asked to buy a predetermined amount of wine in standard 750 ml bottles or smaller 375 ml bottles. They were also given 290 ml and 350 ml glasses in random order.
At the end of each two-week period, the researchers counted how much wine was drunk. They found that smaller glasses reduced wine consumption by about 6.5%, and smaller bottles by another 3.6%.
The researchers note that they did not seek to understand the mechanism of this connection, but, in all likelihood, it all depends on a complex perception of how much you drink. The situation here is like with small plates for food, which can help some people eat less.
In part, these results are confirmed by the results another study 2016, in which scientists tried to understand how the size of a wine glass affects the amount of bare drunk. Then it turned out that with the increase in the glass, the amount drunk per evening increases (and at the same time the revenue of the bar). In other words, many people estimate their alcohol consumption in glasses, barrels, mugs, but rarely take into account their volume.
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