How to get rid of powdery mildew on cucumbers and other plants
Miscellaneous / / August 16, 2022
Gathered effective ways to combat the disease. Spoiler alert: don't rush to throw away the weeds.
What is dangerous powdery mildew
This disease is caused by fungi that actually live at the expense of plants - vegetables, cereals, fruit trees, berry bushes, garden and even indoor flowers. In general, almost all the green inhabitants of your site are at risk. The disease most often affects leaves and young shoots, but can also capture fruits. In a short time, the plant may die.
The ideal conditions for the development of these fungi are a sharp change in weather, when heat and drought alternate with coolness and humidity. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers can also contribute to infection: it reduces the immunity of plants.
How to understand that powdery mildew is on plants
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Powdery mildew on cucumbers. Frame: Summer garden / YouTube
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Powdery mildew on tomatoes. Photo: Mironmax Studio / Shutterstock
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Powdery mildew on young rose shoots. Photo credit: i-am-helen / Shutterstock
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Powdery mildew on wheat. Photo: Tomasz Klejdysz / Shutterstock
First, mycelium appears in the form of a white coating on the leaves and young stems, and after the spores ripen, dark brown drops-balls form. The disease spreads from the bottom up: it first affects parts of the plant near the ground and gradually moves to the crown.
Damaged leaves turn black, curl and die. Stems may curl and dry out. Powdery mildew prevents the inflorescences from forming ovaries, and diseased fruits rot or crack and fall off. As a result, the disease deprives you of both plants and crops.
What to do before processing
Without unnecessary regrets, remove all affected foliage, shoots and fruits - they will no longer return to their previous healthy appearance and will serve as a source of disease. It is advisable to burn plant residues or throw them in the trash. In no case do not send them to the compost - there the fungi will successfully multiply, and such fertilizer cannot be used.
How to deal with powdery mildew
Treatments will bring results only at the initial stage of the disease, when white bloom and spots began to appear on the lower leaves. With a small lesion, you can cope with the fungus with the help of folk remedies, in more advanced cases it is better to use special preparations.
If the plant begins to dry, twist and blacken, and the fruits rot and fall off, the fight against powdery mildew is likely to be pointless. Such a plant can no longer be saved, it will inevitably die. Therefore, it must be torn out and thrown into the trash or burned.
How to get rid of powdery mildew with ash
Pour 50 g of wood ash into 1 liter of boiling water, mix thoroughly and leave the solution to infuse for two days at room temperature. Then strain the mixture through gauze or a fine strainer and dissolve in it 4 g of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plants and the soil around them twice with an interval of 7 days.
How to treat plants from powdery mildew with a soap and soda solution
In 1 liter of water, dissolve 4 g of soda ash and 4 g of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater. Thoroughly spray the plants and soil around them with this liquid. The treatment must be repeated after 7 days.
How to deal with powdery mildew with weed infusion
Absolutely any garden weeds will work for this recipe. This fresh greens need to be chopped - tear with your hands or cut with scissors. Take a 10-liter bucket and half fill it with weeds, and then pour hot water to the top and stir. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 2-3 days. Strain the resulting infusion through gauze and spray the plants and soil in the garden with it. The procedure can be repeated after a week.
How to get rid of powdery mildew with dairy products
AT kefir, curdled milk and whey develop beneficial bacteria that can fight pathogenic fungi. Mix 1 liter of any of the products with 10 liters of cold water. Spray the plants and the soil around them with this solution.
How to treat plants from powdery mildew with special preparations
For this method, fungicides are needed. They are of two types - chemical and biological. Among the first, "Skor", "Topaz", "Rayok" and "Fundazol" are popular. However, chemicals should not be used on flowering plants - they can kill bees and other pollinating insects. But biofungicides are considered safe and environmentally friendly. Works well with powdery mildewFitosporin”, “Gamair”, “Alirin” and “Pseudobacterin”.
Spraying with preparations is best done in the evening so that the solutions in combination with sunlight do not burn the leaves. Each tool has its own application features, so carefully read the instructions - they indicate the consumption rates and the required number of treatments.
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