NASA found out what kind of “noodles” the Perseverance rover found on Mars
Miscellaneous / / August 03, 2022
No, we didn't find an Italian restaurant nearby.
In July Perseverance sent fresh photo from the Red Planet, which was something like a plexus of threads or part of the winding. On the Web, this find was dubbed "noodles." NASA experts could not immediately identify the object, but after a few weeks put forward your version.
This thread is a piece of crushed mesh material dacron, which is made on the basis of polyester fibers. It was he who was used in the thermal coating of the Sky Crane landing platform, which was responsible for the safe descent of the rover. The same dacron was probably seen in one of the previous photos - with "xenomorph skin".
Justin Mackie, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, added that the appearance of a piece of this tangled and degraded mesh suggests that it has been subjected to a very powerful impact. However, this is not surprising, because the landing platform after delivering Perseverance crashed away from the rover, which is a planned part of the mission. Below is the landing video.
Finding the wreckage of a landing platform in itself is not unusual for rovers, but the number of objects found by Perseverance seems a little unexpected for NASA. The landing was deliberately made a couple of kilometers from the scientific research site, but the rover continues to detect various debris and parts of the Sky Crane.
For example, this is how the parachute crash site and parts of the rear panel of the Perseverance lander look like. The picture was taken back in April using a helicopter. Ingenuity.
The team plans to closely examine any debris found to ensure it does not interfere with the mission and is not among the samples that are going deliver from Mars to Earth.
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Cover: NASA/JPL-Caltech.