Artist Alexander Dobrokotov using the Midjourney neural network, which generates images from text descriptions, presented what typical Soviet panel houses would look like in different eras, styles and universes. In his Telegram channel and Twitter he showed dozens of different options. We chose the coolest.
1. Shishkin
2. Miyazaki
3. Vincent Van Gogh
4. Cyberpunk
5. Chocolate socket
6. inflatable socket
7. waffle panel
8. Pixel panel
9. Panel from "Mad Max"
10. Gothic socket
11. Rococo
12. Giger
13. Bosch
14. Lauri Lipton
15. Aivazovsky
16. Hell socket
17. Tetris
18. steampunk
19. Lego
20. divine socket
What options did you like the most? Write in the comments.
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