How to start exercising: simple instructions
Miscellaneous / / July 06, 2022
1. Choose the right workout
Running, kickboxing, dancing, crossfit, volleyball, yoga, tennis - there are many options. Two guidelines will help you choose the ideal one for yourself: internal feelings and state of health. First, think about what you would like to do: remember what you liked in physical education classes, or just think about what kind of training seems interesting. Make a list of attractive options. It is not necessary to stop at one - it is even useful to alternate different workouts. So the sport will not become boring.
Important make sureRun for a heart attack. Which doctors are important to go before playing sports / Arguments and Factsthat training will not be dangerous to the body. To do this, it is useful to take a general blood test, check the condition of the heart, lungs and joints. Testing will show which exercises can be done, and which ones are better to refuse. For example, the choice of the intensity of cardio training depends on the work of the heart, and the ability to perform squats and jumps depends on the condition of the joints of the lower extremities.
It is especially important to consult a doctor and trainer if you plan to run long distances or do complex exercises on simulators and with weights. Also, consultation is necessary for people with heart, lung or kidney diseases, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, muscle, joint or bone problems in the past, as well as after recent surgery or pregnancy.
2. Find a purpose
The right goal will help you not to give up and turn sports into the norm. The goal does not have to be tied to losing weight or increasing muscle mass. Improvement of health, normalization of sleep, salvation from stress and the search for new acquaintances can act as a motivator.
Most importantly, the goal must be achievable. A beginner will definitely not be able to run a whole marathon after six months of training: in order to prepare the body for such a test, need to doHow to prepare for a marathon as a beginner? Some important tips / Championship at least a year and a half, otherwise there is a risk of injury. But a half marathon in six months is already possible to overcome.
The goal can be quite real sports awards. For example, medals for participating in a charity run or meeting TRP standards. They are allow test your strength in pull-ups, jumps, Nordic walking and other disciplines and receive a gold, silver or bronze distinction “Ready for work and defense” for this.
You can fulfill the standards at one of the many TRP sites. Thanks to the federal project "Sport is the norm» national project «Demography» More than 1,500 GTO sports grounds have already appeared in Russia, and they continue to be built. The sites are open not only for testing, but also for preparation for it, so you can come there for training. More than 17.9 million people have already joined the TRP movement. 6.2 million Russians have already met the standards and received insignia.
start training
3. Make a workout plan
Put the sport in your schedule - so it will be more difficult to forget or refuse it. But do not overdo it: plan a maximum of four workouts per week, otherwise the muscles will not have time to recover.
Start with simple exercises and short sessions - from 10 to 30 minutes, gradually increasing the intensity and adding time. This is especially important if you abandoned physical education at school. For example, accustoming the body to running training in general advise start with a long walk - 10,000 steps a day.
To get started, try the following set of exercises:
- Pushups. Keep your wrists strictly under your shoulders, and take your elbows not to the sides, but in the direction of the body. If it is difficult to perform the exercise from the plank position, kneel down.
- Squats. Do not lean your back forward and do not lift your heels off the floor - it is better to go down shallow, but keep your joints healthy.
- Glute Bridge. Raise your pelvis from a lying position. Once at the top point, do not arch your back and do not bring the pelvis too high - you should get a straight line from the bend of the knees to the shoulders.
- Twisting on the press. In this exercise, it is important to lift only the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor - you do not need to break away with the whole body and touch the knees. So that the neck does not overstrain, put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides.
- Hip abduction. It is performed from a lying position on its side. Raise your top leg as high as you can. Do not lean forward or on your back. You can lower your head on the rug or prop it up with your hand - be guided by your feelings. And don't forget to repeat the exercise on the other side.
Do as many reps as you can. It’s not worth stepping over I can’t here - fatigue will lead to a violation of technique and, possibly, injuries.
4. Don't forget to warm up and cool down
Without the first, it is easy to damage the ligaments and muscles, and the second helps to get out of a state of increased activity. Therefore, you should not skip these stages even in a short workout.
Warm up
During muscle warm-up warm upWhat happens if you don't warm up before a workout? / Championship and prepare for intense exercise. Set aside 5-10 minutes for it and focus on those parts of the body that will be actively involved in the main workout. If you plan to dedicate the day to the muscles of the legs - squat, and if the arms - do rotations in the shoulder joints, elbows and hands, slow swings to the sides and up.
Hitch helps gradually slow down the pulse, calm the breathing and relax a little after intense exercise - cool the muscles and switch the body to rest mode. It is also worth laying 5 minutes on it, but if you have time, you can stay longer. Do a few bends, twists and stretch the muscles you have been training.
All stretching movements should be smooth and careful. If you feel that in some position it is difficult to breathe evenly or there are unpleasant painful sensations, it is better to get out of it or try to reduce the intensity.
5. Don't Lose Your Motivation
Loading at work, meeting friends, doing housework - all this takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is tempting to choose a quiet rest on the couch instead of training. A few life hacks will help not to succumb to it and make sports the norm of life.
- Enter a reward system. Reward yourself after you've completed your workouts. So you will have an association with sports as something pleasant, and over time it will start working even without the bonus itself. Just do not choose something that is contrary to a healthy lifestyle as a reward, so that the effect of the activity is not erased by the reward.
- Try something new. Repeating a set of exercises day after day can be tiring, so it's good to experiment. If you feel that the usual workout no longer inspires you, change the set of exercises, the site, or the type of activity in general.
- Use the “Less is better than nothing” rule. Forces for a full hour workout is not always enough. In this case, instead of giving up sports, it is better to reduce the lesson, for example, to 10 minutes. This time is enough to warm up the muscles and getStress workouts. How to do it right to be less nervous / Championship a charge of joy hormones, dopamine and serotonin.
- Work out in a group or with a partner. Then you will be additionally motivated by the desire not to let your friends down.
Now sports regularly are engaged 49.4% of Russians. Therefore, you can find a company right during training. And for this, it is not necessary to sign up for paid halls. Thanks to the federal project «Sport is the norm» national project «Demography» 368 sports facilities have already been opened.The priority tasks of the federal project are to increase the number of Russians who systematically go in for physical culture and sports, to ensure the availability of sports for all categories of the population, the development of mass sports and elite sports, the improvement of sports infrastructure, the training of a sports reserve and personnel for industries. The federal project makes sports the norm!
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