What is monkeypox and why is it dangerous?
Miscellaneous / / June 08, 2022
The infection is not new, but there have never been such large-scale outbreaks.
What is monkeypox
Monkeypox is a rare animal-to-human disease that presents with high fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a chickenpox-like rash. The disease resembles smallpox, which has been considered eradicated since 1980, but unlike the latter, it is less contagious and has an easier course. However, it can still lead to death: in Africa diesMonkeypox / CDC 1 in 10 cases, but worldwide indexMonkeypox / WHO lethality 3–6%.
monkeypox causeMonkeypox / WHO orthopoxviruses. They are carried by some rodents (such as rope and tree squirrels, Gambian pouched rats) and non-human apes (such as lorises, marmosets and marmosets).
Monkeypox is mainly found in Central and West Africa, often near rainforestbut is increasingly found in urban areas. For example, in 2017 Nigeria had more than 200 confirmed and 500 suspected cases.
In 2003, smallpox was first discovered outside of Africa. Then domestic prairie dogs were infected in the United States, from which people became infected. Occasionally it is found on travelers from Nigeria. For example, in September 2018, smallpox appeared in Israel and the UK, and in May 2019 in Singapore.
A month ago, a Briton who flew in from Nigeria also foundMonkeypox cases confirmed in England – latest updates / UK Health Security Agency monkeypox, and on May 30, an unprecedented increase in the incidence began. Now discoveredMonkeypox in Multiple Countries / CDC 1,110 infected in 31 countries around the world, most of them in Europe. There are no cases in Russia yet.
However, there may have been several patient zeros. How figured outGenomic epidemiology of monkeypox virus / Nextstrain geneticists, some examples of smallpox now walking around are similar to the causative agents of the 2017 outbreak. This means that for some time the virus circulated between people, remaining unnoticed.
Rosamund Lewis
Head of the Smallpox Secretariat of the WHO Emergencies Programme.
We we don't knowWHO can't rule out monkeypox pandemic risk, says there's a window of opportunity to stop outbreak / CNBCwhether this outbreak could develop into a pandemic, but we do not think so. The world has the ability to stop her. Nevertheless, we are concerned about the increase in the incidence. Each individual case must be controlled through contact tracing and isolation.
How monkeypox is transmitted
Since the disease is rare and not well understood, questions remain about how it is transmitted. WHO declaresMonkeypox / WHOthat the virus is transmitted from animal to human through contact with blood, body fluids, and skin lesions and mucous membranes. That is, if you touch an infected monkey and accidentally touch wounds or vesicles that contain the pathogen, you can get sick. In addition, the virus can persist in undercooked meat from wild animals.
The risk of transmission to pets is extremely low. believed to be infected mayQualitative assessment of the risk to the UK human population of monkeypox infection in a canine, feline, mustelid, lagomorph or rodent UK pet / UKHSA only some species, mainly rodents.
Christine Middlemiss
UK Chief Veterinarian at a press conference on monkeypox.
Never in the UK did not haveMonkeypox patients advised to avoid contact with pets for three weeks / The Guardian suspected or reported cases of monkeypox in pets and the risk remains low.
WHO warnsMonkeypox / WHOthat smallpox is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets and during touching the affected skin, body fluids and objects soiled by them. True, contacts should be long-term.
That is, most likely, in order to become infected, it is not enough just to ride in the same subway car with the sick person. It is necessary, for example, to touch his skin during the treatment of wounds, to hug, to use the same dishes and towels. Because then you will definitely be in contact with saliva, blood, separated from wounds.
So at risk areMonkeypox / WHO doctors, households and other people who had close physical contact with the sick person. However, it is not yet clear whether smallpox is sexually transmitted.
John Brooks
Doctor, CDC spokesman at a press conference about the new outbreak.
Anyone can get infectedCDC officials sound alarm for gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community / CNBC monkeypox through close personal contact, regardless of sexual orientation. And while many of the affected people around the world identify as gay or bisexual, they are not the only ones affected.
What are the symptoms of monkeypox
The first symptoms are usually appearMonkeypox/NHS 5–21 days after infection. At first, smallpox resembles a disease like the flu and manifests itself:
- high temperature;
- headache and muscle pain;
- back pain;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- chills;
- severe exhaustion.
After 1-5 days, a rash is added to the symptoms. It starts from the face and descends lower, including the genitals.
Outwardly, it looks like chickenpox: on the site of the appeared red spots, bubbles form with a transparent or yellowish liquid, which shrink in the form of a scab, and then fall off.
With such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Especially if in the last three weeks you wereMonkeypox/NHS in close contact with someone who has or may have monkeypox, or have traveled to West or Central Africa.
The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis based on clinical signs, as well as prescribe tests. He will decide how severe the disease is and what treatment is required.
How is monkeypox treated?
Usually disease leaksMonkeypox/NHS mild, most people recover within 2 to 4 weeks without treatment. But since the infection is transmitted through close contact, it is important for those infected to isolate themselves until disappearMonkeypox / CDC a rash and an intact layer of skin does not form in place of the scabs.
If it's mild, you can stay at home. But if the symptoms are severe or severe chronic diseasesneed to stay in the hospital until recovery.
Proven safe treatment for monkeypox does not existMonkeypox / MSD Manuals. But there are a few drugs that have been shown to be effective in experimental models. These are antiviral drugs with tecovirimat, cidofovir and brincidofovir.
In severe cases, doctors may assignMonkeypox / CDC vaccinia immunoglobulin is an antibody produced by the body in response to a virus. The US Centers for Disease Control authorizes its use for the treatment of orthopoxviruses (including monkeypox) during an outbreak.
Also doctors appointM.G. Reynolds, A.M. McCollum, b. Nguete, R.S. Lushima, B.W. Petersen. Improving the Care and Treatment of Monkeypox Patients in Low-Resource Settings: Applying Evidence from Contemporary Biomedical and Smallpox Biodefense Research / Viruses maintenance therapy: painkillers, antipyretics, antibiotics when bacteria enter the opened blisters, steroids and others.
How to protect yourself from monkeypox
Precautionary measures concern 1. Monkeypox/NHS
2. Monkeypox / CDC in most areas where the virus has already been detected. But remember that it can also spread to other countries, so:
- Avoid contact with wild stray animals, particularly rodents and non-human apes, especially if they live in areas where smallpox occurs and appear unhealthy. Do not touch their corpses and do not eat poorly cooked wild animal meat.
- Do not touch anything that the infected animal may have touched.
- Avoid sharing bed linen and hygiene items, and avoid close contact with people who are sick if possible.
- Maintain hygiene - wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
- Use personal protective equipment when caring for infected people.
But monkeypox vaccinations should only be done by travelers or doctors who work with sick people.
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