“Mom, I don’t play!”: how to become a game developer and turn a hobby into a dream profession
Miscellaneous / / May 27, 2022
Where to begin
Many people will surely like the answer to this question: start with the game. If you already enjoy disappearing into the cyber worlds, this will be an advantage. To create games, you really need to love them. Those who go into mobile development will have to conquer hundreds of arenas in "manual" shooters and spend several tens of hours collecting stones three in a row. A good understanding of the material is also necessary for future masters of role-playing games. Multiplayer online versions of such projects become a second home for millions of gamers, and for success in development, it’s not bad to have kilometers of completed quests in other people’s open worlds.
When a reverent attitude towards game culture is formed, you can move on to learning. And it is better to turn the development of the profession into another interesting role-playing quest. You can feel like a hero of an educational simulation game on the course "Profession game developer on Unity from zero to middle
» by Skillbox. This program will help students level-up their skills and knowledge, and the motivation from curators will not let them give up in particularly difficult moments of study.It won’t be boring - a variety of formats is also responsible for this. Participants of the training will listen to webinars, complete tests and practical tasks, take part in a quiz game and, of course, create their own projects. And communication with experienced speakers will add self-confidence points - the platform has all the conditions for the success of your educational and career quest.
Game development is a direction in which you can directly make the life of others brighter and more interesting. And for those who are important to realize their value and benefit to society, it is worth remembering that games not only entertain, but also developVideo games can change your brain / Science Daily. For example, they can improve concentration and visual-spatial skills. Game elements are still actively used in education, but in the future, it is likely that the potential of gaming will be used much more widely. It is possible to make a brain update even today, wandering through the elven forests with a bow at the ready, and the task of the developers is do such simulators are fun and user friendly.
I want a career update
What is Unity and why you should learn it
Platformers, shooters and strategies, role-playing games and survival simulators are created on the Unity engine. The variety of genres is easy to explain: Unity has a very low entry threshold. This means that in game development it is easier to start with this particular engine. The second reason for popularity is flexibility. Unity supports the creation of 3D and 2D graphics and is tailored for the release of products on PC, consoles, Android and iOS. With it, you can draw, set up and launch any game, no matter what complexity and genre you choose.
Usually, the creation of games is associated with teamwork, but on Unity it will be possible to realize your idea even alone. This is possible thanks to a well-thought-out asset constructor — ready-made components for game development. For example, to create a zombie, you can use the slow motion asset, add the sound of a roar, animation of dripping blood or swaying pieces of clothing and construct the actions of carnivorous evil spirits in attack. Characters, landscapes and entire worlds are assembled from such details. And although top developers often prefer their own, fresh assets, ready-made solutions from Unity kits are often used at the start.
On the course Skillbox even IT recruits will be able to quickly join the huge community of the engine. To do this, students of the program will work in the GameBox practical laboratory. Here you will find a dream team, start fulfilling orders from real clients, and you can also attend workshops and meet industry experts. Right now, the GameBox community is developing 27 games, and 10 products of the laboratory have already entered the market and show off on digital storefronts.
Become part of the community
What is to be learned
Unity is a flexible and newbie-friendly platform. But it is not easy to understand it without experience alone: you will need hard skills like programming in C # and the ability to work with Blender, a program for creating three-dimensional graphics. You will add these skills to your portfolio after 119 thematic modules of the course “Unity game developer» by Skillbox. Also learn:
- select and combine assets in game scenes - combine textures, background music, digital object models, animation and other game components;
- create game landscapes;
- use the working interfaces of the platform;
- think over and draw characters;
- develop simple shooters, runners and puzzles.
And that's just for the first six months. learning. In the next six months, students will grow to the level of middle and supplement the resume, for example, with the following points:
- creation of artificial intelligence in games;
- work with game lighting and animation;
- product monetization;
- interaction with mobile stores;
- game testing;
- development of network games based on Photon;
- game sound design.
If you want to work in game development, remember that most games are created by large teams. Developers, designers, composers, product managers, testers - and this is not all the gears of production. Soft skills are very important here: the ability to find compromises and accept criticism, take responsibility for your ideas and decisions. The skills to work under strict deadlines and stressful conditions will also come in handy, as well as creativity, attention to detail and proactivity.
Collect all these qualities in your portrait of the applicant on course Skillbox. As part of the GameBox practical laboratory, students will master all the subtleties of teamwork and go through many quests of their future career in test mode. Training on webinars and practical tasks will help you improve your self-discipline and time management. And constant communication with curators and classmates will develop professional taste and give inspiration for upcoming projects.
What salary to expect
Salaries in game development are most often six-figure: even middle-specialists will be able to find offers on 200 000Game Developer Jobs / HeadHunter rubles per month. And for advanced masters, the threshold is at least one and a half times aboveJobs for a game developer with 3 to 6 years of experience / HeadHunter. At the same time, even without experience, there are suggestionsJobs as a game developer without experience / HeadHunter up to 90 thousand rubles.
So that Skillbox students do not get lost in hundreds of offers, the platform’s HR consultants will help you create a portfolio and update your resume, and conduct practice interviews. And they will also teach you how to defend your rights and salary interests in front of future employers. You can take additional annual program in English - it will help you feel more confident in the market. Access to the program will be given to students who have completed three practical tasks from the first year.
How much time is needed for training and employment
Well "Unity game developer” from Skillbox lasts 20 months. You will be able to start your career in a year: by this time, your portfolio will include two finished games and an impressive list of acquired skills. You do not need to pay for all training at once: the platform compensates for the costs for the first 6 months, and then you can use installments.
Game development will appeal to those who value their time and dream of a profession with a free schedule and remote work. It will be possible to evaluate such flexibility in the course of study. The course is easy to combine with studies at the university, work and personal life - on average, it takes 3-5 hours a week to complete the program. If you want to enter the market as soon as possible, increase the pace, master the core modules in parallel with additional ones and talk with the curators about what else is worth reading - they will help you choose the right one literature. Incidentally, access to program materials unlimited - return to webinars and notes at any time after the training, if you need to refresh your knowledge.
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