What to do if the price at the checkout and the price tag do not match
Miscellaneous / / April 23, 2022
Spoiler: you can demand to sell you the goods cheaper. Learn how to properly argue your position.
Can the seller suddenly change the price
No it's illegalConsumer Rights Protection Law, article 10. Information about goods (works, services). If the price in the check and on the price tag is not the same, then the seller violates the rights of the consumer and the rules of trade. The buyer must be provided with information about the product that will help him make the right choice. The price is one of the main criteria, and it must be indicated in rubles.
If the seller claims that the store is restocking and the price tags have not been replaced, this is not a reason to sell you product more expensive or refuse to buy. By the way, it is also impossible to completely remove the price tags and offer to clarify the cost at the checkout.
The situation is slightly different in online trading. IN online store Item prices may change while they are in the shopping cart. But when you placed an order and received its identification number, the seller already
not entitledRospotrebnadzor explained whether an online store can change the price of goods / Rossiyskaya Gazeta ask for another fee. Even if there was a technical failure on the site and the item began to cost 100 rubles instead of 1,000, you must sell it at the price that was indicated at the time of placing the order.What to do if you were struck by a purchase more expensive than it is written
If the prices on the display window and the checkout do not match, you can demandAbout recommendations on what to do if the price on the price tag does not match the price on the check / Rospotrebnadzor sell an item for a price. And if you have already paid for the purchases - ask to compensate for the difference. Here are some ways to defend your the rights.
1. Take a photo of the price tag and find witnesses
This is important to have evidence if the dispute goes out the door of the store. Vendors and security should notAbout recommendations on what to do if the price on the price tag does not match the price on the check / Rospotrebnadzor disturb you. If there are other buyers nearby, ask them to be witnesses. In their presence, you can call the administrator to the trading floor and show him that the price tag and the check show different prices.
If a dispute arises, you have the right referCivil Code of the Russian Federation, article 493. Retail sales contract form on witness statements to confirm the terms of the purchase.
2. Try to negotiate on the spot
You can ask the seller:
- Compensate for the difference between the amounts on the receipt and on the price tag.
- Cancel purchase and return your money.
If you saw the fraud only when you got home, you still have the opportunity to refuse the purchase. The main thing is to keep within a reasonable time. He dependsDecree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On the consideration by the courts of civil cases on disputes on the protection of consumer rights" on the type of product, its expiration date and some other factors. For example, trying to dispute the price of perishable milk after a couple of months is not a good idea.
3. Make a written claim
If the seller does not meet halfway during an oral conversation, present him with a written claim. It must contain:
- Name, legal address and phone number of the organization. This data can be viewed in the consumer corner or on the store website.
- Your name, address, phone number and details bank accountwhich you can get your money back.
- Description of the situation. Indicate the date and time of purchase, the name of the product, the amount from the price tag and from the receipt.
- your requirements. For example, to return the money for the purchase.
The claim can be delivered personally to the seller, sent by e-mail or regular mail. Gather evidence that you submitted it. For example, you can print a message sent by e-mail, or you can save a delivery receipt to the addressee if you issued a registered letter.
4. File a Complaint
If, after a written complaint, the issue is not resolved, it makes sense to go further. For example, file a complaint through website Rospotrebnadzor. Please enter your name, email and mailing address. You can attach supporting materials to the letter, for example, a check and a photo of the price tag.
By the way, if there are no price tags in the store, the owner can be assigned fineCode of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 14.8. Violation of other consumer rights in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. And for the shortfall the seller threatens fineCode of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 14.7. Consumer fraud even higher - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.
5. Go to court
Submit statement of claim you can go to court at the address of your residence or the registration of the store. It should contain a requirement for the defendant to return the difference between prices or the money for the goods in full.
If you manage to prove that you sent a written claim to the seller, the court may recover in your favor a penalty and a fine for the fact that the store did not voluntarily meet halfway. You can also get compensation moral damageConsumer Rights Protection Law, article 15. Compensation for moral damage - its size is also determined by the court. By the way, this amount does not directly depend on the price of the product.
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