Russian microblogging
Tips / / December 19, 2019 - Russian is a free micro-blogging service. It is possible to publish short text messages. Service allows you to quickly and easily find interesting interlocutors and chat with friends, track real life events near real-time, keep your links, notes and any other information to keep abreast of events and in the midst of discussions.
Zizl displays common emoticons and has its own shortening service options - it is very comfortable, allows you to chat with your emotions and not to resort to third-party services-sokraschalok.
Just the service supports insertion of images, as well as references to users and groups - are inserted thumbnails and links. If the message were inserted links to popular services (eg, YouTube), The link will be reduced, but if you move your mouse over it, it will show the real link hiding behind shortened. This is much more convenient than other mikrobloggingovyh services that do not represent real links, hidden behind the cuts.
The service can write messages of up to 210 Cyrillic characters - this is quite enough for a brief, high-capacity express their thoughts.
Registration is very friendly - in order to start a chat, you need to enter your email address and come up with a nickname / login - the system then register you and your password so you do not forget it, send to specified address.
All posts are divided into several bands, among which there are groups and tops. Groups - users tapes combined in groups. Tops - these are the most popular at the moment the group users and their posts.
In addition to direct their messages and the responses to other people, you can also broadcast to your feed news from RSS feed. Of course, supported, it has become traditional in services such avatars. If you want the personal settings, you can fill out a detailed personal data: name, date of birth, home address of the page short story about yourself and your hobbies. - lovely, friendly, lovely service. Connect to it and share your thoughts and most spectacular events with everyone! Be the center of an active lifestyle! is sponsoring blog.