Who are doulas and should you take them with you to childbirth?
Miscellaneous / / April 22, 2022
A doula will help make childbirth easier, but will not replace doctors.
What is a doula for?
A doula is an assistant who takes care of the needs of a woman and supports her during childbirth.
She is performsWhat are the benefits of having a doula? / Mayo Clinic the following tasks:
- Monitors the comfort of the woman in labor, for example, she can offer a massage or do breathing exercises with her.
- Emotionally supports and encourages a woman.
- Explains in simple terms what happens during childbirth, what procedures doctors perform.
- Establishes communication between the woman in labor, her partner and the hospital staff.
- Helps relatives of women.
A doula can be approached with a variety of requests. She will take the woman in labor to the toilet, bring food, call the doctor, or simply hold her hand so that it is not so scary.
There are postpartum doulas who support the family after the birth of a child. They explain to a young mother how to fix breast-feeding and take care of the baby, they can help in everyday life. Sometimes this can be done by the same doula who accompanied the woman during childbirth. But there are assistants who advise specifically in the postpartum period.
How is a doula different from a doctor?
Unlike a midwife or gynecologist, a doula does not have to receive a medical degree. She has no right to deliver or prescribe treatment. The assistant can only explain the actions of the doctor - for example, when he recommends some procedures. But she should not persuade a woman to a certain decision, interfere with the work of the hospital staff or somehow evaluate their actions.
For example, a doula cannot advocate for a home birth if the woman is determined to give birth in a hospital. Childbirth at home connectedHome birth: Know the pros and cons / Mayo Clinic with a higher risk of infant mortality than in the clinic. And in Russia they also can notCriminal Code of the Russian Federation, article 235 "Illegal medical activity or pharmaceutical activity" physicians to participate.
Doulas become after special courses. In the classroom, they can talk about how childbirth proceeds, explain what a doula can do in the hospital, and introduce various types of non-drug pain relief. Doula is a new specialty for Russia, and so far it is not in classifierAll-Russian classifier of occupations of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (OKPDTR) professions, and the activities of such assistants is not subject toBUT. Ozhiganov. Doula work, public and intimate: professional care, self-organization and activism / Public opinion monitoring: economic and social change certification. But there is the Association of Professional Doulas, which monitors the ethics of the work of its members.
Should I invite a doula for childbirth?
Everything depends on your desire. Research showContinuous support for women during childbirth / Cochranethat women who received continuous support during childbirth were less likely to use painkillers and have caesarean sections than those who did not. Delivery was faster and women were generally more satisfied with the experience.
You can also ask for support from a loved one - for example, husband or moms. But not all women are ready to connect relatives. In addition, an unprepared person in the hospital can be nervous. And the doula already knows how the birth goes, and will not be at a loss.
Usually, communication with a doula begins a few months before the birth of a child. At such meetings, you can find out what kind of training the doula has received, how many births she has attended, and what services she can provide. Tell the assistant what you expect from childbirth, share your experiences and fears. Feel free to ask your doula a lot of questions - it's important to choose someone you can easily get along with and trust.
By lawFederal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", Article 51 any member of the family may be present at partner births. The opportunity to invite an assistant is not stipulated there, but there is no direct prohibition on this either. If you would like to have a doula at your birth, ask your maternity hospital if this is an option. Doctors will make a decision taking into account your health and conditions in the department - it must have individual delivery rooms.
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