Scientists have prepared a new message for aliens
Miscellaneous / / April 22, 2022
A code that is planned to be broadcast into space to tell about the Earth and its inhabitants.
International team of scientists developed a new message they hope to send into space using radio telescopes. In fact, this is an improved version of the Arecibo message sent from Earth in 1974 to the constellation Hercules. The answer - if it is - we will have to wait for almost 50 thousand more years, but scientists do not give up hope to confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life forms by other methods.
But if Arecibo's message was more like a postcard with sketchy images, the new message is more like a training presentation of a dozen slides. Her goal is to communicate as much information as possible, but the obvious obstacle was the language barrier.
Scientists proceeded from the position that although the concept of mathematics may differ significantly for the inhabitants of different planets, the binarity may be more universal. It requires only two opposite concepts: zero and one, no and yes, black and white, emptiness and mass.
Considering that we live in the same universe, the same laws of physics act on us, and everything around us consists of the same materials, scientists decided to give aliens a couple of lessons. The first slide of the new message introduces the binary and decimal systems of calculus and names prime numbers.
Several similar slides follow, illustrating mathematical operations, the basics of particle physics using hydrogen as an example, the atomic mass of the most common elements on Earth, and the structure of DNA. The message also shows what men, women, and the DNA double helix look like. The images on the left serve as an indicator of the direction of the picture.
The message also included illustrations showing our location in the galaxy and the solar system, a map of the Earth and its geological characteristics.
Ends the entire invitation to send a response, indicating the frequency at which we can accept it. All 13 parts of the message consist of 204,000 bits - or 25,500 bytes. All this message can fit on a 5.25-inch floppy disk - and there is still a lot of space left. The message was called Beacon in the Galaxy (“Beacon in the Universe”, BITG).
For its broadcast, it is proposed to use a pair of radio telescopes in China and the United States. To send a message, they will need to be modified. It is noted that the best time of the year for this is from March to October, since the angle of inclination of the Earth and the Sun will be optimal to reduce interference. The target was a concentric ring located 13,000 light-years from the center of our galaxy - a place that recently attracted attention of SETI scientists.
It is possible that the message will seem to the aliens pure gibberish. They may not perceive strings of 1s and 0s as we do. It is also possible that other beings, however intelligent, may not be able to interpret our graphic representations due to differences in perception and even culture. Finally, there is also the possibility that the message will pass by: it will not be noticed, or at the time of receipt, another civilization will not yet be sufficiently developed or will already cease to exist.
In addition, the authors of the message proceed from the fact that aliens - if they exist - are benevolent. They write:
It can be logically assumed that a species that has achieved sufficient complexity to communicate through space is also very probably would have achieved a high level of cooperation within his species and thus would have realized the importance of peace and cooperation.
Excerpt from A Beacon in the Galaxy: Updated Arecibo Message for Potential FAST and SETI Projects
The authors of the study, however, understand that not everyone is as optimistic. They note that public discussion will be required before sending this or any other message into space. Its purpose is "consensus, taking into account the maximum level of knowledge" of those who will make the decision.
What do you think, should such a message be broadcast?
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